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5 Ways to Stick With Your New Year’s Resolutions

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Fordham chapter.

New Year’s Resolutions are amazing ways to improve different aspects of your life. Even though many of us make them, sometimes it can be a struggle to stick with them. Here are five ways for you to continuously strive to achieve them even when you have doubts that you can’t. 

Aim high, but have a purpose

If you uncaringly set high goals without any real purpose behind them, then you may be unlikely that you actually carry through with them. Set high goals, but have a personal reason for doing so. These reasons will keep you motivated to continue when you face difficulties. Without these reasons, you might not have an answer when you ask yourself the question of why you even have this goal in the first place. 

Stay positive

When it comes to resolutions, it’s essential that you remain positive. Of course, it’s normal to have doubts, negative feelings, etc, but the important thing is to not let these thoughts make you give up on your goals. There may be challenges when trying to accomplish your goal, but you have the ability to not let them derail you from achieving them. 

Reward yourself along the way

Don’t just wait until you achieve your goal until you reward yourself. Reward yourself as you’re making even small steps along the way. This will help in encouraging you to keep going as you’re reminded that you’re getting even closer to accomplishing that goal. Small steps are important because if you can’t properly acknowledge them, what are you going to do when you make the big ones? Small steps are equally as important as the big ones in getting one closer to achieving their goal. 

Hold yourself accountable

Whether this is writing your goal down or telling a friend or family member, it’s important that you hold yourself accountable regarding this resolution. You’ll be more likely to take action towards accomplishing your goal if you know that there are others that are also aware of it. You might find motivation in not wanting to let the people that you told about your goal down, and you also aren’t going to want to disappoint yourself either. 

Learn from your mistakes

In any case, in which you make a mistake concerning your goal, it’s the perfect time to assess what went wrong. Was the goal too big? Does it need to be broken down into smaller steps? This is a great opportunity to learn about what you need to change and how you can redirect the way in which you’re going about achieving it. Instead of viewing your mistakes as failures, you should view them as lessons that are just helping you get to where you desire to be. 

Hi! I'm majoring in Communications and Culture with a minor in Marketing at Fordham Rose Hill. I hope you enjoy my articles!