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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FIU chapter.

 I felt like this year was just out to get me; after only 10 business days, I already wanted a refund from 2018. Everything that could’ve gone wrong, did. 

After withering away for a day or two, I coincidentally came across a show called “This is Us” (10/10 would watch again). During one of the first episodes, I heard a quote that helped me completely change my desolate, woebegone, wretched perspective on life into a blissful one. 

“Take the sourest lemon life can offer and turn it into something resembling lemonade.” It got me thinking that no matter how dreadful life seems, a negative cannot exist without a positive. Many of us (myself included) just take what happens to us as it is instead of trying to understand the lesson that will come out of it in the future. You are the only one that is in full control of your outlook on what happens to you. Once you gear your focus to the good that you have, the better it will get. The entirety of us are constantly growing every day, in whichever form it might be. It’s just up to us to acknowledge that the doors that were shut are because what was behind them just wasn’t meant for us.


Miracles happen every day, change your perception of what a miracle is and you’ll see them all around you.  I know this is cliche, but LOVE the life you live; it happens FOR us, never to us. It’s meant to be the best of both worlds; exhilarating yet soothing, passionate yet tender. It’s truly our greatest teacher that we will, more often than not, learn from. 



Thanks for reading! See y’all super soon! 


Instagram: @daniiurrea Twitter: @daniiurrea