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Why you should join the PAW Program!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FIU chapter.

At Florida International University, the Office of Study Abroad (OSA) created the P.A.W. Program to increase student’s leadership and cross cultural skills by pairing FIU students with incoming international exchange students. I applied to the program in the summer of 2018 and became a P.A.W. representative during the Fall semester. My experience so far has been amazing and I will be sharing some reasons why you should apply!


Global Medallion Opportunity

For those of you who don’t know about the Global Learning Medallion, it is a seperate interactive program that is meant to enhance student’s global perspective and awareness through global engagement. It is an honor to be awarded with the Global Learning Medallion and the earlier you start working towards earning the Medallion, the easier it is! To get more information about what the Medallion requires and consists of, click this link to read more about. The great thing about becoming a P.A.W. representative is that once you complete the program you are able to earn 5 to 6 activity points towards your Global Medallion! The Global Medallion requires you to earn 20 points throughout the duration of the program, by being a P.A.W. representative you are able to gain about ¼ of your required points!


Leadership and teamwork experience

If you are looking for a program that will develop your leadership and teamwork skills, then this is the program for you! Each P.A.W. representative is placed in a group with other students where they must communicate and plan an event for the semester. The purpose of the event is to create a social gathering for both P.A.W. representatives and international exchange students to enjoy and remember. You must communicate with your team in order to design and execute this event. Through the process, someone from within the team must report to OSA and discuss the event option created by the group. Every team needs a proactive leader and through the program you are able to take initiative as a team leader!


Bond with international students

As a P.A.W. representative, OSA’s Buddy Program pairs you with an international exchange student in order to assist and support that student. This requires that you maintain regular and meaningful contact with your matched buddy throughout the semester. By helping out these students with something as simple as showing them around campus or eating lunch with them their first week, you really make a difference in that student’s transition into FIU. This was my favorite aspect of the program because I was able to connect and become friends with someone that I may have never met! My buddy from France is one of the most interesting and fun people I have ever met, we always stay in contact and plan hangouts together. As a P.A.W. representative you will be able to interact with people from different parts of the world and still find a common ground with every person you meet.


If you are interested in applying for the program, please look at the flyer below to get more information or click this link to redirect you to the page.


Gabriella Durand is a senior at Florida International University pursuing her Bachelor’s Degree in Dietetics and Nutrition. When not in class, she can be found at club meetings, participating in campus events, or hanging around campus studying with friends. Her goal is to become a Registered Dietitian, but her passions extend to art, fashion, makeup, and food.