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Why Intersectionality is Important When Discussing Feminism

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FIU chapter.

In light of Women’s History Month, it is important to highlight and celebrate women’s achievements, especially in the suffrage movement. But it is also crucial to acknowledge the origins of the feminist movement, which often excluded women of color. To understand this, we must look at the concept of intersectionality.

The Oxford dictionary defines intersectionality as “the interconnected nature of social categorizations such as race, class, and gender, regarded as creating overlapping and interdependent systems of discrimination or disadvantage.” In regards to feminism, intersectionality helps us understand even though all women are subject to certain similar scenarios, some also have an additional factor that may include race or sexual orientation, which adds an extra layer to their experiences.

White feminism is a term used to describe the expression of feminism mainly focusing on white cis-gendered women; this form of feminism fails to recognize forms of oppression faced by women of color. This pattern could be found among the first wave of feminism in the late 19th century, as it focused on women’s economic and political rights, specifically the right to vote. Even after women could perform the fundamental civil right to vote, Black women were still being evicted from the Jim Crow South polls.

I urge you to look at a speech written by Sojourner Truth titled “Ain’t I a Woman,” which illustrates the concept of intersectionality in actuality rather just in concept.

Feminism has evolved and today is aware of the concept of intersectionality. We acknowledge that even though all women are subjected to the wage gap, some women are treated more harshly due to their race. Or the fact that LGBTQ murders are more common in people of color; and that transgender people are more likely to be victims of cisgender people.

Everyone can play a part in being wary of the needs of others in our society. Intersectionality applies not just towards feminism but in lots of different areas. By being aware of our privileges, we can help institute changes for the overall good.

Angel is a junior majoring in Political Science at Florida International University. After she graduates, she hopes to attend law school, later practicing criminal law. She enjoys politics, astrology, and the most random Netflix shows.