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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FIU chapter.

We Are Displaced is a collection of many girls’ stories who have found themselves displaced- victims of the turbulent conflict in their countries or persecution. As the book highlights, we have to remember to weigh out not only what refugees have gained but also what they have lost fleeing from their homes; as often, we find ourselves marginalizing refugees, devaluating all that that they’ve been forced to leave behind.

No one “chooses” to be displaced. That’s something many of us who have the blessing to live in peace take for granted and fail to acknowledge. As someone who has always lived in “peace”, this book opened my eyes and made me appreciate that privilege even more. When a reality only consists of violence, death and constant fear- is leaving really a choice?

We Are Displaced

Just a Gemini with a passion for astrology and fashion.