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Tips & and Resources to Optimize your College Years

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FIU chapter.

Transitioning into college can be very difficult for some individuals. By starting this new journey you will get complete independence from your parents and professors. However, you are also expected to manage your time, budget, and grades adequately. In my personal experience, the first couple of years at FIU were very challenging. I had no idea what I wanted for my future, and feeling like I was stuck in a major that I didn’t enjoy did not help. If you are a freshman struggling with this adjustment, here are some tips and resources to help you maximize your time at FIU. 

meet with your advisor 

Meeting with your advisor before picking your semester classes allows you to verify that you are on the right track. If you are planning to take internships, or attend graduate school, then it is important to let your advisor know ahead of time. Applying to grad school can be a very stressful process. However, FIU advisors are trained and ready to provide you with all of the information needed to achieve your career goals.

Take the FREE personality test

If you are unsure about your chosen major, then let your university help you! FIU offers a free career and personality assessment to all students. The test is very easy to understand and takes about 30-50 minutes to complete. There are two sections for this assessment– Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) created for personality and Strong Interest Inventory created for careers. Whatever the results may be, it can give you a great starting point to explore.

Explore College Life Coach Services

One of the many services offered at FIU is life coaching. If you struggle with time management, motivation and/or personal goals, then you should schedule a meeting. College Life Coaching at FIU offers weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly meetings depending on your needs. Having a college life coach can help you stay on track and create healthy habits for the future! For more information you can ask your advisor about this service or schedule an appointment through the FIU website.

Join a Club 

Getting involved at your university is a great way to improve your resume and gain field experience. With over 300 clubs at FIU, there are plenty of options to choose from based on your interests. I would recommend being involved in 2-3 clubs per semester. As a communications and marketing major, I have been involved with BOLD Communication Agency and Sales Society at FIU. Joining early on into your college years, can allow you to get familiarized with the work and eventually earn a higher position at the organization.

keep your resume updated

Having an outstanding resume can be the determining factor on whether you get that job interview or not. The Career and Talent Development staff at FIU is dedicated to help students create a professional resume to highlight your skills and experiences. They offer help with resumes, interviews, networking, and much more!

All of these resources are included in our tuition each semester. However, it is up to the students to use them to their advantage!

Travel Enthusiast & Marketing Major