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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FIU chapter.

Donald Trump’s presidency has been filled with controversy from the very beginning. Much of this controversy has been especially tied to Hollywood stars that have either expressed their agreement or opposition to President Trump. Few celebrities have commented positive things about the president, examples include Roseanne Barr and Kanye West. Kanye West specifically has met with the president on various occasions and recently, even went on a live rant while on Saturday Night Live about his support of Trump. However, West’s support of the president has spurred a backlash from rapper, T.I. T.I. tweeted “Dear 45, I ain’t Kanye,” then released a clip of his new music video. The Daily Beast explains how “The video opens with real footage of the president boarding Air Force One en route to Mar-a-Lago without the first lady, then cuts to T.I. in the Oval Office, where a Melania Trump look-alike proceeds to strip for the rapper, peeling off a green coat emblazoned with “I really don’t care, do U?” on the back—a direct reference to the infamous jacket the first lady wore during a trip to visit detainees at the U.S.-Mexico border back in June—and proceeding to perform a nude dance for T.I. on the desk.” Many were angered by the video, claiming it is disrespectful to the First Lady. Others have expressed that the clip and intent is misogynistic as it objects a woman’s body in order to protest the actions of her husband. Reports have indicated that the actress who played Melania Trump in the video is now recieving death threats from those offended on the First Lady’s behalf. The video can be seen with the link below. 


Video: https://www.thedailybeast.com/tis-video-of-melania-stripping-in-the-oval-office-is-nothing-compared-to-trump

Source: https://www.thedailybeast.com/tis-video-of-melania-stripping-in-the-oval…