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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FIU chapter.

The end of the semester is near and your plans are so close to becoming a reality. Which beach are you going to hit, how late are you going to sleep in and how late are you going to stay out? These are all valid questions but after a week of doing you start to question your decisions and next thing you know the summer is over. For those of you that are freshmen and not as motivated please enjoy all of this. For the rest of you start thinking about other ways to plan out your summer and be productive but also have fun. For most of us summer classes are necessary especially if our goal is to graduate ASAP! Just remember summer classes are not just during one point of the summer. They are broken down into three terms and all start and end on three different dates. Therefore if you plan to travel please look into your classes first and make sure they don’t get in the way of anything fun because if they do then it might ruin all the fun. Also, try not to travel before taking summer classes it won’t be a good feeling unless you have other things planned out after the summer semester is over as well. Taking summer classes is definitely an advantage but then again you don’t want to overload on classes and end up failing one or all. Remember summer semesters are only six weeks long and they cram a months’ worth of material into each and every dreadful week.

We all have these wonderful ideas of traveling, eating at cool new restaurants all over Miami (of which we will probably never finish discovering throughout our college career), and experience new things. The reality of it all is we need funding and our parents are not the answer because they already spent all the money they had on your dorm because who wants to live in their car during their college years? That’s if you have a car but back to the main point, you need money and you have no one else to fund this things. What do you do? Go out and get yourself a job, not only will it help you start earning money but also make you more responsible when it comes to having money and other things to be responsible for such as school work and everything else you do in your life. Then with the money you have made you can go out and truly enjoy summer with that hard earned money or go the complete opposite route and save that money for other things because you worked too damn hard to go out and spend it so soon.

Whatever you go out and do this summer remember to try to be as productive as possible no matter what it is you do, go out and build something or work on side projects you’ve been thinking about the whole semester. No matter what you do make sure it’s beneficial to you and your overall goal. Remember to enjoy yourself in whatever you do and be safe but remember the semester isn’t over yet, prepare for finals and soon enough you will be able to make these decisions about the way you want to spend your summer. As always go FIU! And Go Panthers!

A kid raised in Brooklyn, New York home of fashion, art and great culture. The greatest thing to happen to me was living in the city in a sense it was a love/hate relationship because of the area in which I grew up in. Then there was Manhattan filled with all the lights and glamour and things that were on the big screen. Once I moved to Florida it was in a small town called Bradenton which was a huge culture shock because it was the total opposite from what I was used to in every sense ranging from transportation to people. Then there was the care free atmosphere in which shirts and shoes are optional and thong sandals are an every day thing opposed to the city where that is a rare find. Living in Bradenton gave me a different outlook on things and humbled me in a sense. Then moving to Miami for school brought me back to my city roots except with a different view on things and my motivation now is to gain success and not material things as I once dreamed of attaining.