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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FIU chapter.

Finding healthy snack options in college can be really difficult, especially if you live on your own because– let’s be honest– cooking all the time can get old fast. But staying away from junk food is a struggle especially because it is so easily accessible and tastes great. Healthy snacking options do not have to be difficult and they can be yummy too!

1.      Fruit. This should be obvious as one of the most healthy and easiest snacks that you can have in college. Apples and bananas are really easy to take on the go to class, or if you’re looking for variety fruit cups are a great option as well.


2.      To-go Apple Sauce. Even though these are marketed toward kids, they’re super convenient when you’re rushing out the door. The best part? No spoon or clean-up required!


3.      Apple chips. These are great if you want something crispy but you’re trying to stay away from greasy potato chips.


4.      Hummus. This is a snacking favorite for a lot of people. There are so many flavors and you can eat it with vegetables, pretzels or crackers.


5.      Kind Bars. If you’re looking for something sweet and guilt free, these protein bars are amazing and way better than regular granola bars.


6.      Mac and Cheese. Mac and Cheese is a college staple, kind of like Ramen noodles. Personally, I am not a fan of most instant mac and cheese cups, but the Annie’s Organic variety is actually really good.


7.      Popcorn. This is another great way to curve that craving you might have for potato chips because you can find really great alternatives with popcorn!


8.      Babybel Cheese. Usually, cheese alone is not enough for me, I love pairing these cheeses with something like pretzels or fruit. 



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