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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FIU chapter.

Life itself can already be very stressful and overwhelming to a point that we have so much on our plate and we begin to lose balance. If we don’t keep ourselves surrounded by positive and supportive people, this is only bringing another addition to our immense issues that we may be already facing. The individuals that you choose to keep in your life will have a tremendous effect on your mood throughout each day, and if those people are adding to your problems, its time to take a reality check.


Sometimes we become so used to certain behaviors around us, we don’t realize that it has an impact on the person that we are becoming. Surrounding yourself with negativity and individuals who continuously have a pessimistic view of every single situation is not going to make your life any easier. If you’ve been close with someone for a very long time, and you’ve began realizing that its them that has been adding toxicity to your life, you need to be upfront and honest with them. Let them know first and bring it to their attention. People often don’t even realize these traits about themselves so if you’re close to them, it’s better that they hear it from you rather than continuing being this way. They may be understanding and actually end up working to be a better version of themselves. Let them know firsthand that the way that they are going about certain circumstances in life isn’t in correlation to the path that you’re on.


There also comes to be a maturity level as well when addressing these things that are important to you. If you cannot seem to meet eye to eye on a majority of issue, perhaps its time to realize that there is a certain level of maturity that that person hasn’t quite obtained yet. Very often toxic people only want to make other peoples lives as miserable as theirs is going and that’s when you must realize that its time to start putting yourself in your best interest. Many of us have goals that we want to accomplish in life and of course we may want certain people there as we continue to strive towards those goals. However, have you ever taken a complete look to see the factors that may be holding you back? You cannot allow a person to keep you from maintaining the grind that you have been working so hard towards.


If you’re worried about getting rid of this toxic person or people from your life, lets look at more of the upside towards making this decision. When you finally have the courage and strength to completely eliminate this negative energy, you will find your life so much more at peace. Of course, there may be some iffy situations here and there (life is always throwing curveballs at us sometimes), but your mind will be in a much better place to help you get through these problems. You won’t have that other person’s voice in your head giving you bad advice, or complaining, or making the issue even worse than before. You deserve inner peace and comfort—do not give another person the power to ever take that away from you.

Hi! My name is Sherneice Robin and I am currently a senior at Florida International University and I'm a part of the FIU Her Campus Staff Team! I'm pursuing a degree in PRAAC (Public Relations, Advertising, & Applied Communications) with an area of concentration in Business Communication. My passion in life has always been towards writing and I strive to inspire others with my words. Find your purpose and aspire to inspire.