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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FIU chapter.

It is 2018, the start of a new year, which also means the start of new friendships, new shows and new love interests. Most girls, including myself, tend to romanticize relationships because of how love is portrayed in movies. In EVERY Hallmark holiday movie, the girl bumps into a guy and it is love at first sight. Then they find that they have mutual friends and end up spending the holidays together while finding out it was fate that brought them together. In reality, what brought them together were screen writers with an interesting story line that they know will have every girl head over heels for. It is okay to fantasize about a perfect relationship like the ones we see in movies, but it comes to the point where we have to wake up and face reality.

Days before the new year begins, we tend to think about new resolutions. Some people will make physical resolutions like going to the gym more often, and others will make internal resolutions like bettering oneself. Then, you have the people that make the resolution to “find a man.” Usually, this resolution stems from coming out of a bad break up or having been surrounded by couples the entire holiday season. The reasoning behind the resolution may make sense, but it is not realistic. When you are constantly looking for love, you will never find it. The most important thing to focus on this year is the relationship you have with yourself.

As much as we hate to admit it, we are our own worst enemy. If you don’t have that solid foundation and confidence within yourself, how is someone else going to see that in you? Loving yourself is the first step in finding that person who will love you endlessly. Things come when we least expect it, and I know it is not an easy theory to accept but it is true. Make 2018 your year! It will be the year that you push yourself to do the impossible. The year that you reach your goals and exceed your expectations. Most importantly, it will be the year that you love yourself because you realize how awesome you are. Don’t go looking for love, because in the end it will always find you.

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