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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FIU chapter.

2023 was a very wild and impactful year for me, full of ups and downs, but I’m forever grateful for all of the amazing memories and experiences I went through. There were so many important life lessons I learned that have really helped me grow into a more mature and wise person, and I would love to share them with you!


1. Don’t bottle up your emotions and struggles. In 2023, there were a lot of hard things that I was going through, and instead of sharing all of these emotions and struggles with people, I hid it by putting on a face that made it seem like everything was okay. Instead of addressing my emotions and struggles in a healthy way by talking to someone I trusted, I dug myself into a deeper hole by trying to process everything all by myself. This made my mental health suffer, so the situation got even worse. My advice for everyone is if there is ever anything you are facing, never ever keep it to yourself. Seek the help that you need, whether that be professional counseling or calling up a trusted family member, friend, etc.. Trust me, everything gets easier and better when you let people into your struggles.

2. Don’t invest all of your time in a relationship you know is never going to work out. One very important and significant lesson that I learned last year is not to invest all of your time, energy, and feelings into a relationship that you know won’t work out in the long run, no matter how good the relationship looks on paper and no matter how strong your feelings are for the other person. You are just setting yourself up for heartbreak in the end. While it is good to have feelings for someone and get to know them, it is super important for you to notice the red flags that are right in front of your eyes and not be blinded by the intense feelings that you have for the person. Do not try to push the relationship to work or invest so much time into it that it leaves you feeling like your heart is shattered. I have learned not to rely only on my own feelings when it comes to a relationship, but to pay more attention to whether the feeling is mutual between both people. This is my advice for you: know that you are in the right relationship with the right person before you go all in, investing everything you have into it. You will save yourself a lot of heartbreak in the end.

3. Take the time to rest and recharge your body and mind. 2023 was a very fun and adventurous year for me; I got to experience and get involved with a lot of really cool things that I am grateful for. The cost was that I had to give up a lot of my resting and recharge time. There were days where I would just be so mentally and physically exhausted and not have any proper time to rest or spend on myself because there was always something I felt needed to be done. The reality is that it was not good for my health at all. The only thing it led me to was more stress and a lot of muscle pain. The advice I have for you is to make sure you are having fun in life, but not at the expense of your own physical or mental health. 

4.Healing and change takes time. The amount of time that it takes for healing and change to occur is a hard lesson I had to learn last year. I kept putting pressure on myself and expecting to heal overnight. The reality is that healing doesn’t come as fast as people want it to. I have come to embrace that healing and change takes time and that I have got to be patient for myself. The old saying that “time heals all wounds” is the lesson that I have come to learn and embrace. 

Overall, these are some very valuable and insightful life lessons I learned in 2023 that I am very grateful for, and I hope to inspire you all with these life lessons. I plan to use all of these as a way to help me work on self-growth and being a better version of myself. I challenge you to make a list of some of the important life lessons you have learned, so that you may be able to gain inspiration from them and make 2024 your best year yet with all of your brand new wisdom. 

Hi my name is Amanda! I am a PRACC major and my career goal is to become a content creator marketer or a brand manager for an agency. Some of my hobbies are I love to design, paint, read and write. I also love listening to music, watching movies, and hanging out with my friends! 💗