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How to make the best out of your first impression

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FIU chapter.

As a senior in college, the pressure of graduation is coming up; and one of the most exciting (and scary) parts of graduating is finding a full-time job. That is why I’m here today to help you maximize your opportunities by talking about first impressions.

It is very important to make a good first impression because first impressions last a lot longer than the moment of that interaction alone. First impressions can be a very big determinant factor in the way the relationship unfolds in the future. For example, if you arrive late to a job interview, or come looking like you just rolled out of bed, then whatever you say next is going to seem unreliable or not trustworthy; even if you are not that type of person, the rest of the interview will be tainted by that first interaction alone. This is because of the primacy effect, which explains that “when someone experiences something before other things in a sequence, they remember that first thing more” (Shwartz, 2020). Here are a few ways to make a good first impression and land your dream job which include:

1. Looking presentable (or adequately dressed for the occasion): This is important because the first type of contact you make with anyone is visual. A big percentage of communication is non-verbal, therefore you have to make the best effort for your image and all your non-verbal queues to match your personality (if you dress seriously, you will seem serious, and vice-versa) to solidify your character as a whole.

2. Acting with confidence: People don’t know if confidence is real or fake, but it does help people have a more solid, polished perception of your person. Carrying yourself with confidence also implies that you are to be taken seriously, that you are trustworthy, and that you know your skills and how to execute them. If you are not a very confident person or you still feel new to the scary world of adulting, this is a great time to “fake it ’til you make it.”

3. Showing that you care: I believe the charm is in the details when it comes to first impressions. Remembering small details like names (for example “Hello! Mr./Ms. ___ am I right?” We met at ___) differentiates you from all the people that dress to impress or act with confidence. Even if you don’t have any previous information on that person, you can still make a very good first impression by showing you care to get to know that person by asking questions (for example “Nice to meet you Mr./Ms. ___, I am really looking forward to reading your book! What inspired you to write it?”).

Even if your first impression doesn’t go as you wanted, remember that not all is doomed and at the end of the day, the actual important thing is to let your personality shine through to put yourself in a place where you genuinely want to be!

Junior pursuing a Marketing major and a Hospitality minor at FIU!