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How To Stay A Calm Driver

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FIU chapter.

We all experience road rage, especially in Miami. But, the question is…how do we deal with it? More often than not, we find ourselves losing it over someone else’s horrendous driving skills and questioning how the heck they got a license. I’ve gone through my days where driving in this city has gotten on my last nerve, and I am sure you have as well. So, here are my three solutions to staying calm on the roads, especially during these final weeks of the semester:

1) The More Calm You Are, The Less Craziness Will Happen

 While putting your seat belt on at the beginning of the day, before class or work, try to take a few deep breaths and remind yourself that the more mad you get over other people’s lack of driving skills, the more likely it is for you to spiral out of control with your emotions and possibly put you or someone else in danger. That is NOT want you want to do. Promise yourself that you’ll remain calm, despite the craziness on the roads that day.


2) Be The Safer Driver

  This is much harder to do than to say. But, the more cautious we are, the less likely we are to get into a predicament on the road. If we are speeding everywhere we go, we are more likely to have a close call or scare. But, if we drive almost grandma-style and are more cautious than in a hurry, the chances of losing our temper decrease heavily.


3) Leave Earlier

 Whether you leave from your house to get to a class, school, or work on time, make sure you’re giving yourself plenty of time. No, not an extra 5 minutes, or right on the clock- an extra 15 minutes, because traffic and construction appears randomly throughout our city. You will feel less rushed while driving, therefore you will have much more patience for people. This will help decrease any stress while driving and ultimately get you to your destination safely and on time.


I know driving can be CRAZY here in Miami, but it is possible to make it through the day without letting someone steal your happiness and making you upset on the road. I hope these three tips bring more peace and calmness to your driving.




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