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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FIU chapter.

I don’t know about you, but I’m still on the “new year, new me” craze. I know its only been a couple of weeks into the new year, but I am really looking into changing my life style. Especially improving my health, mentally and physically.

The other day my best friend told me about an article she read on foods that make you happy. For  a long time, when I envisioned eating healthy I would think of boring foods like a plain old salad. I’ve done some research and I have come up with a list of healthy foods, that not only help you physically but also mentally.

1) Black Beans: Next time you’re in that Pollo Tropical line, instead of asking for extra rice think about asking for more black beans. Rich in fiber, vitamins, and protein, black beans are vital for a healthy meal and can prevent some health complications like cancer. Not to mention because of their high dose of magnesium, the happy hormone, it is proven to change your mood.  

2) Whole Grain Bread: When I read that bread can scientifically be good for you emotionally and all, I got way too excited. I don’t know anyone who possibly doesn’t adore bread. In fact whole grain anything is the way to go.  Not only will whole grains help your hormones,  but it can also put good bacteria into your system because of its amounts of protein and nutrients that it provides. So should we drop that gluten free diet and make it a whole grain one? 

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3) Seaweed: Sushi date anyone? Seaweed is packed with Iodine, which is proven to help your energy, weight, how your brain functions and thyroid. Any excuse to eat more sushi automatically brightens my day. 

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   4) Chamomile Tea: I am such a chamomile lover, but I do understand that’s its not everyone’s cup of tea either (see what I did there?) Before you knock it down, consider these facts. Chamomile tea helps in so many areas in your life like helping you sleep better, fighting off harmful bacteria, reduces your menstrual cycle pain, eases stomach pain, reduces acne and stress. That’s not even half of the list of benefits that Chamomile provides. 

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There are so many ways to eat happy and healthy, it just takes a little bit of research. Let us know what your favorite happy, healthy foods are!

Until Next Time,

Gaby V.