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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FIU chapter.

With the Fall semester coming to an end, the last thing anyone wants to do is think about Spring, but hear me out. With 2018 fast approaching, it’s essential to use times like these to reflect on our academic year. 

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It’s important to make yourself aware of all the successes and failures you’ve overcome. Research shows that students who internalize their challenges achieve more. This meaning, if you did really well on a test, let yourself know it’s because of your capabilities and dedication. Just as if you did poorly, don’t blame it on external factors such as, the difficulty level or professor; understand that maybe you didn’t try as hard as you should have. Realize that you have the resources and skills to achieve greatness, and set yourself up for that. Intelligence is malleable. Don’t think you can’t do something, because with the right amount of hussle, anything is possible. (Mood all 2018)

Now, with that being said, let’s get a little personal: 

  • What did you do this semester that benefited you?

Maybe you tried a new studying technique, studying location or group and you saw that it made a difference from previous semesters, this is something to take note of. You can take the positives you learned to further succeed in the upcoming semesters. 

  • How was your workload? 

Did you spread yourself too thin? In between a job, internship or maybe even just life in general, you saw your weeks becoming way too hectic, to the point that in interfered with your studies. How can you change this? Plan ahead to make sure you are allocating enough time to all your responsibilities. 

  •  What shouldn’t you do again? 

Were you spending all your breaks at Vicky’s Bakery when you should have been in the library? Maybe you committed to too many hours at work. Where you apart of 1 too many clubs? The point is, look at what went wrong and set a different game plan for next semester. Don’t let your mistakes be in vain, make them mean something. Be better and do better. 

It’s hard enough to maintain a solid GPA, social life and home life, all while getting a good nights sleep, but also leaving time to relax. Sounds impossible right? Surely, but it can be accomplished. With the right mindset, planning and positive people to talk you down from those anxiety attacks, you have all you need to succeed. The question is, are you willing to put forth the effort? 

Here’s to a better 2018! One filled with glorious grades, professors who round up and easy parking. 

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