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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FIU chapter.

          As the month of November comes to a close, we reminisce on the holiday of being thankful for family, friends and delicious food. People can’t help but love the season that keeps on giving because now Christmas is upon us. It’s the time of year when we finish off the Thanksgiving leftovers and start filling our homes with some Christmas cookies.

You may be telling yourself, “I am so focused on school, it doesn’t even feel like Christmas.” Yes, this is the time of year when our days consist of gluing ourselves to the chairs in GL and cramming for the exams that determine whether or not we are going to have a nice and relaxing winter break. But, that doesn’t mean that we can’t get into the spirit of the jolly holiday. There are a couple of things that you can do to prepare for the season:

Start decorating your house to give it the winter feel. Put up the Christmas tree, decorate with lights, make cookies to spread the aroma around your home, and turn up those Christmas tunes.

Check out TV channels to see what Christmas movies are airing during this month. Holiday films are the best way to boost your spirits up and get you into the merry mood.

If you have done all that and you still aren’t into the Christmas spirit, just go all out and invite some friends over to have a Christmas get together. Being surrounded with friends and family during this time is a great way to feel the magic of the jolly holiday. They remind you of not only what to be thankful for, but also that it’s the beginning of a new chapter as you get closer to the new year. No matter how stressed you may be with school, take the time get into the spirit of the holiday because it’s the most beautiful time of the year and that should be appreciated.


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