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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FIU chapter.

As retail employees, we interact with a countless amount of people from different backgrounds. However, there is one thing that doesn’t change, and that is the bad habits that some customers can’t seem to get rid of. If you have a worked in a store, the following will seem very familiar.

Coming in 10 minutes Before Closing Time

Although the music is already turned off and the doors are partially closed, some customers will still walk in unapologetically and touch everything they see, ESPECIALLY the neatly folded stacks of t-shirts.



Leaving Trash in the Store

There is frankly no valid reason for this. Leaving a half-full cup of Starbucks on a counter is more than inconsiderate, it’s vile. I know you can see the countless trash bins around a 20-foot radius, so what is the excuse?

Treating Employees with Disrespect 

It is not our fault that the card declined, or that the items are “expensive.” It is also not our fault that the receipt expired, therefore making it impossible to provide a refund. Employees don’t create the store policy—we just follow it. 

Making a Mess

We understand that you have to dig your hands through racks and stacks to find the item you’re looking for, but was it necessary to undo that beautifully folded pile of blouses? And we know you heard that hanger fall to the floor after you brushed past it, maybe be a neat, decent person and pick it up? 

Not Making Up Their Mind Before Paying 

Saving the most inconsiderate for last, the worst situation is having an endless line of customers waiting their turn, but the person being helped can’t decide on what they’re going to buy. Not only do they ask for a price check on all their 25 items, but they end up leaving half of it anyways. That just means there’s more organizing to do before closing the store, on top of the regular cleaning we have to do.

Don’t be that shopper.


Every single retail worker. 


I'm a Sophomore at FIU, majoring in Public Relations, Advertising, and Applied Communications. When I'm not listening to post punk music, or thrifting, you can find me daydreaming about living in a french countryside château.