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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FIU chapter.

Many times we simply carry these huge dreams and goals, but never actually start putting anything into action to reach them.

I think for 2018 and just for this Spring semester, you shouldn’t allow anything to limit the size of your dreams, or allow for anything to attempt to block them from your reach. No obstacle, no person, no harsh words telling you you can’t, nothing.


I’ve spoken to many individuals who have told me they are so tired of just pushing these big dreams aside and never actually following through with them. I always question why they don’t start pursuing them, and every answer has one main aspect in common: fear. People fear the unknown and what could happen without even putting their first foot forward and giving it a shot. I think we limit ourselves much more by not trying at all than actually attempting to give things a go. Wouldn’t it be so much better to look back and think “at least I tried” rather than an “what if I tried?” A year from today you could be in a completely different and more opportune place because you said “yes” to your dream and “no” to fear. The most fearless people reach the greatest successes.


So, dream and dream BIG. This is your life and only yours. If you want something, you have to work and work hard to get to it. Challenges come, but they are placed to test your endurance and in the end— they lead you to the most incredible things and before you know it, you’ll find yourself living out that dream once upon a time ago.


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