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Don’t Forget The Things You Love

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FIU chapter.

Do you remember a time where you were in the middle of something and thought to yourself, “this makes me so happy?”

I remember feeling this exact way whenever my feet hit the back of the starter blocks on the track when I was in high school. There was no greater sense of happiness and adrenaline in that moment just before I was about to sprint my 200 meter dash. But of course, once college came around, other priorities arose and my love for track started to be pushed to the back. Athletics became less priority and school became more as I entered the college world. 

But recently, I started running the track again. I found myself practicing the same warm-ups we used to when I was on the team in high school, and feeling that same intense adrenaline and excited feeling I once felt on the track. I never realized how much I missed something I used to have such a drive for until that moment back on the track. It wasn’t just that I missed it, but I saw so clearly the importance of how you should never allow the things you once loved to be tucked away and put on a shelf. I think you should always have a grasp on that sport you used to do, or those paint brushes you used to use, or that writing you used to spend hours on and keep them close because they resurface and bring us a type of joy we produce within ourselves that no one can take. Re-falling in love with things is so gratifying for your soul, it reminds you that no matter the pace at which things are changing, how crazy the season is that you’re in, that your heart can still find joy in those “you” moments. No one else can feel these moments because they’re all based on you and what you enjoy doing. 


So, think and find time for the things you once loved to do.

It’s never too late to pick up that instrument, get those soccer cleats back on, or pick up those paint brushes again!



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