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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FIU chapter.

Music has always had a special place in my heart. I have always been drawn by creativity, art, and the emotions that those provoke. 

Remember when on the first day of school the teacher asked you to say three things you liked? Most kids’ responses were related to sports, dancing, drawing, etc. Some kids said they liked to listen to music and I thought that was a very boring response, even though that is what I liked the most. I decided to exclude that great part of my life and never considered myself a music person. I thought liking music was strictly just meant for people that understood each note that was played in a song, played an instrument, or knew if the singer reached an impossible note or not. Turns out I was very wrong. 

Now at almost 20 years of age, I realize music can be about everything that you want it to be. Of course it can be about technicalities and instruments, but it can also be about healing, happiness, representing a moment or a person, getting you up from bed in the morning, helping you sleep, dancing, falling in love with a person, crying, screaming, and I could go on forever because I realize now that music is my life. I can describe every moment that has happened in my life with a song, and not only remember it but I can actually feel it. The times music has gotten me up from tough moments are more than I can count on. The times that music has held me into its arms when I felt like I was alone and I missed my family are unforgettable. The way that music has made me laugh the night away is hilarious. With music I am my best self, without it, I do not know who I would be and what I would do. 

It is impossible to deny that music can make you feel so many things. When I listen to a song it is like transporting myself to another dimension where I am the only one who exists and everything around me is perfect. Yes, sad songs exist, but that does not mean that they are less effective in making you feel that way. When I listen to sad songs I feel loved, I feel understood because it is like the song is touching my heart and someone else has felt what I am feeling at the moment. Music can wrap you around its world and make you feel like you are the main character in it; feeling that way is what life is all about.

Just to put it into perspective. I love Taylor Swift’s work and I am writing this while I listen to her version of Red and I feel like I am in a movie. Despite previously being extremely anxious and despite me sitting on my bed right now and having no one around me. This proves that music has power, music unites people because maybe a million people are listening to the same exact song as me right now. Music creates a whole new world in which we can be whoever we wanna be.

I am an international FIU student from Ecuador majoring in Public Relations, Advertising & Applied Communications. I have always been very creative and I love everything related to art, that's why writing is not only a passion for me but something that is part of who I am. Moving to New York City after graduation is my ultimate goal. One thing that keeps me motivated through it all is knowing that what I do now serves for my growth and the realization of my goals in the future.