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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FIU chapter.

Many times, the overwhelming events and constant work that piles up in our lives can lead us to develop negative- and at times detrimental- habits that change our behaviors for the worse.

It is important to be aware of these negative habits, as they can worsen our quality of life if left unchecked for a long period of time. 

Here are some ways to better yourself and your habits to work towards a happier, healthier, and stronger you!

Stop overspending and calling it self care, mange your finances better

It is easy to go out shopping and use retail therapy as a way to relieve stress, but doing so can cause more adverse effects than intended. It is too often that we may go out and spend a large amount of money on things we want, but don’t need.

While you may get some temporary satisfaction from doing so, the eventual effect that this has on your finances and mental health is not worth the momentary sense of relief.

Overspending for many is a form of self-harm, that it why it is important that you spend accordingly. This does not mean stopping yourself from buying anything, it means treat yourself when you feel it is necessary. Do not spend time and money shopping for things that will eventually just leave a negative impact on your financial and mental health.

It is important that you learn to budget your money and instead recognize what it Is that you need to spend on things that are important.

Read 20 pages a night to stimulate yourself intellectually

Reading is a great way to create a better version of yourself. Reading at least 20 pages a night before bed will not only stimulate you intellectually, but it will allow you to grow your knowledge and provoke thought.

You don’t need to strictly read self-help books or non-fiction, any little bit of media that you are consuming every night will put you on the road to becoming a better, more well-rounded version of yourself. 

In a time where we are so tied to technology, taking a moment to disconnect can be the best thing you can do for your mental health.

Create Things to look forward to

When working hard and attempting to accomplish your goals, it is easy to feel burned out or discouraged after applying yourself for so long. 

Sometimes, having something to look forward to- a trip, a night out- can motivate you to keep pressing forward.

Life should not be all about responsibilities, enjoy the good moments too!

Challenge Yourself

Comfort can feel good, but it can also be the biggest obstacle one has to overcome to be the best version of oneself.

Challenges and risks will allow you to push yourself to be better. This means pushing yourself out of your comfort zone and going to the gym, applying to the job you wanted, or even the small things like getting up earlier in the mornings.

Whatever your goals may be, staying stagnant in one phase of your life is not a sustainable way to live. Challenges allow us the grow and foster our development, but it requires you to want to make the effort to change.

While there are infinite ways to grow yourself and your life, the four ways mentioned above are a good start. 

Our journey towards personal development is a life long one, but any step you take towards it counts. So, be patient with yourself and give yourself the space to expand, because you are worthy and deserving of success.

Sheila Martinez is a Cuban-American immigrant currently residing in Miami and attending Florida International University. She is studying International Relations and Political Science with a concentration in human rights and political transitions and is uniquely passionate about empowering women in her community. In the future, Sheila hopes to leverage her passion for representing the underprivileged through a life-long career in the public sector. Some of Sheila's hobbies include reading, going to the movies, and visiting museums.