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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FIU chapter.

During these difficult times, it’s easy to get caught up in the stress of all this madness. The most important thing we need to keep in mind is how to stay resilient. Our minds and bodies must be put to work. Otherwise, you end up feeling worse while you’re stuck in your bedroom!

Here are 3 simple ways to stay active and entertained while in quarantine:

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

  1. Do some Yoga! Morning stretches are a must, especially with the right tutorials on Youtube. Even if you’re not flexible, the most important thing is to stretch your body and meditate to some relaxing spa music or even some smooth jazz. Put your body to work by including some morning planks in your routine or maybe some lunges.

    painting pallete
    Photo by Sarah Brown from Unsplash

  2. Hobbies that involve art such as adult coloring books or creating mood boards on Canva are great ways to stimulate your mind and keep you entertained with something other than TV or homework. It’s important to try new things that relax us and help us be more creative. You’d be surprised at how many beautiful things you can create in your darkest hours.

    organized closet with shelves and decor
    Photo by chuttersnap from Unsplash

  3. Organize your room! Take everything out of its place and throw out everything that no longer serves you a purpose. It will make you feel better living in a clutter-free space. Donate your old clothes or repurpose them! There are lots of tutorials on how to turn your old clothes into stylish pieces.


Gabriela Gutierrez-Gallo is a senior at Florida International University, majoring in journalism with a minor in social media and e-marketing. Her true love is New York City and her interests include home decor, film and television history, traveling, and skincare.