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3 Ways to Find Peace in the Midst of Chaos

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FIU chapter.

As we are all aware, the world we live in is full of chaos. It has come to the point where watching the news discourages & makes you think that there is any good left in this world. We are constantly informed of bombings, shootings and threats that are happening all around us. I find it important to remember that despite the tragedies we are confronted with, the world is a beautiful place and there are still things that make our time here worthwhile. It’s time to change the way we see things and make the world our canvas!

Stop and smell the roses. I find nature to be the best remedy for uplifting spirits. Being one with nature really helps you find that inner peace you’ve been searching for. Our daily lives consist of so much noise, whether it is coming from our cellphones, group of friends, television etc. Try taking a walk in the park, sitting on a bench and reading a good book. Go to the beach, ride a bike or simply take in some sun to the sound of the waves. Sunrises and sunsets are a great way to let a breathtaking view remind you of things to be grateful for. The key is to take in as much of your surroundings, forget about putting it on social media. Do this for yourself. Allow yourself some time to be alone and notice the beauty around you that sometimes doesn’t get enough credit.

 Get creative. Doing things with your hands really lets go of a lot of stress and tension. You don’t have to be the next Picasso to pick up a paintbrush and create art on a canvas. Paint whatever your heart desires, even if it turns out to be just an array of colorful strokes. DIY projects are always fun. Find a project that will keep you focused and give you that rewarding feeling when you’re done. There are thousands of different DIY projects to keep your mind at ease, just remember that the sky is the limit when it comes to your creativity.

Give Back. A great way to turn any hardship back around is to give back and help those in need. You don’t have to wait for a group of friends to join you, just get up and find a local community event where you can contribute to society in a positive way. They always say, “be the change you wish to see in the world,” so let’s live by it and start making the world a better place. Community services can include feeding the homeless, lending an extra hand at a nursing home, cleaning up the environment or assisting in an animal shelter. Whatever the case may be, I can guarantee you will find peace and joy when you see the difference you have created.

Through the chaos, the secret is to find joy in the simple things. Get rid of the noise and distraction and immerse yourself in what brings you joy and inner peace. Find your personal escape from the world. Remember that there is so much to enjoy and be grateful for despite the tragedies that happen in this life.


Much love, 


cover photo: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/725853664913370960/?conversation_id=