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Trader Joe\'S Reusable Bag
Trader Joe\'S Reusable Bag
Jocelyn Hsu / Spoon

3 Easy Ways To Act Sustainably at Home

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FIT chapter.

Each year, about 8 million metric tons of plastic waste enter our oceans. Each year, about 12 million tons of textiles end up in landfills. These are jarring, but very real statistics. Humans create so much waste, and although most of our pollution traces back to large corporations rather than individuals, there are still actions we can take to help us live more sustainable and conscious lives.

1. Reuse Glass Jars

You buy a jar of pasta sauce, finish all the sauce, and then what? Instead of throwing it out or putting it in your recycling bin, you can clean and reuse that jar at home. Glass jars make great cups for water or iced coffee, great storage for food, condiments, or items like pencils or makeup brushes. They can also be used for vases or DIY projects around the house.

2. Ditch The Makeup Wipes

Not only are makeup wipes irritating and bad for your skin, but they also are very bad for the planet. About 7.6 billion pounds of makeup wipes end up in landfills each year, which comes out to be about 20 million makeup wipes being thrown away each day. Instead, try a more sustainable product like the Makeup Eraser, or re-purpose a (clean) cotton t-shirt or microfiber towel. You can also use additional products such as micellar water or coconut oil to remove your makeup.

3. Use Reusable Products

If you are able to, using products such as reusable grocery bags, reusable containers when bringing lunch to school or work, and reusable straws and water bottles can cut down on how much plastic waste you create. Not everyone might be able to completely make the transition, and there are reasons people may need plastic straws or now need disposable products due to COVID-19. However, it is important to remember that doing your best, even if it is just a small change, is worth it. 

FIT NYC 22 Advertising Marketing Communications Ethics & Sustainability