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Robyn Murrell, ’16

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FAMU chapter.
Name: Robyn Murrell

Major: Broadcast Journalism 

Classification: 2nd year

Hometown: Palmetto (Not The Palmettos) ,Florida

Campu Involvement: TV 20 FNN Sport Fanatics ,FAMU Her Campus


HC FAMU:  My dream guys is ______. 

Robyn M:  My dream guy is a country boy who is very mannish.He has to be a Garbage man, because I have a love for men that work with there hands .


HC FAMU:  If I were to go on a date I would most likely go ______. 

Robyn M:  I would go to Prime Time or One on One for happy hour . Some place with a fun vibe and settle music, because I’m a talkative person and I would probably be talking the guys ears off.


HC FAMU:  In 10 years I see myself as __________. 

Robyn M:  In 10 years I see myself working on a lot of free lance investigative report projects. Branding my name and constantly rescheduling lunch with Oprah because I’m so busy.


HC FAMU:  If my friends were to describe my personality they would say I’m ________. 

Robyn M:  My friends would describe my personality as playful yet authoritative.


HC FAMU:  Top Flight or Coliseum? 

Robyn M:  All I can say is there are good nights and bad nights at Coliseum, but if you had a bad night and a good morning you probably didn’t go to Top flight! (Poet snaps)



HC FAMU:  Three things I look for in a guy are….

Robyn M:  

1. Confidence

2. Nice legs ( I have an odd attraction )

3. Spontaneous 


HC FAMU:  The biggest turn off about a guy is when he ______. 

Robyn M:  The biggest turn off about a guy is when you always have to instruct him on what to do or constantly tell him what you like.  I shouldn’t have to coach a guy, I am a 21 year old woman, not Pat Riley!


HC FAMU:  Trina, Khia, or the 941’s “baddest” female rappers? What’s your pick? 

Robyn M:  Hands down Trina! If you listen to some of Trina’s lyrics she’s giving life lessons that all women should know. She is the Guru of “The Slider Rules”  (cc: @tianahallen Instagram if you are curious to know “The Slider Rules”!)


HC FAMU:  You say you need your man to be someone who is constantly working with his hands, why? 

Robyn M:  As a little girl  I watched my grandfather work with his hands, and my father soon after him. The picture of a MAN in my mind has always been someone working with their hands.


HC FAMU:  Give us some tips when trying to approach a guy.  

Robyn M:  When approaching a guy as a woman you must have confidence.  You must be some what overly confident and sassy.   That makes him glad that you approached him, but deep inside he is beating himself up that he didn’t make the first move!



Instagram: PowpowRobyn

Twitter:  Powpow_Robo