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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Fairfield chapter.


 Your favorite charming, creepy bookstore manager is returning to Netflix. The first season of this thrilling drama received stellar reviews when it hit Netflix last year. My roommates and I were on the edge of our seats and scared to go to bed after watching. Earlier this week, Netflix proposed the official release date for the show’s second season- December 26th. I couldn’t be more excited!


 The show is about a New York bookstore manager, Joe, who is obsessed with a writing student, Guinevere Beck. You tackles social media and relationship issues, which we are all very familiar with. In terms of the cast, Penn Badgley will be returning in the lead role, but with some deaths in season one (I won’t spoil!), those cast members may not return in season 2. Stay tuned for a trailer to come out soon, and be sure to check it out on December 26! 


I am from Long Island, New York. I currently attend Fairfield University and I am pursuing a major in Finance and minors in Mathematics and Economics. 
I am a Junior Marketing Major with a concentration in digital and social media marketing and a Finance minor at Fairfield University. I am a creative, driven, and hardworking individual who loves fashion and beauty.