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“Fairfield Business Students Connect at Last Week’s Career Fair”

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Fairfield chapter.

Hey Collegiettes! As you might have heard, Fairfield had a super successful Career Fair a few weeks ago! It was a great opportunity to network with different companies, as well as gain more insight and information about internships and job opportunities. 


One of my last articles talked about the top 5 career fair essentials to show your inner girl boss, and we definitely saw some of them in action! Everyone looked so professional, and definitely were owning it. There were over 100 employers at the fair, which I will say was a little overwhelming when you walked in. There were so many incredible companies, and Fairfield did a great job of coordinating it for all of us! 


One of the best features of the Career Fair was the LinkedIn photo booth! The line was super long the entire fair, but so worth it! Students were able to snag new headshots for their LinkedIns, which tied their profiles together. Also, Fairfield provided brochures with the locations of every company at the fair, which came in handy for us business ladies! 



It was a great opportunity to gain networking experience, as well as practice talking to the campus recruiters. I personally spoke to about 15 different companies, which was really helpful. Although many companies don’t look for underclassmen at Career Fairs, it was still very beneficial to gain information and to eavesdrop on conversations to learn what to bring up in the future, so First- years, our piece of advice-go to the Career Fair in the spring! You may not think it’ll be worth your time, but creating a resume and having it to build on going into Sophomore year was one of the best decisions I made last year! 


Overall, we’d say the Career Fair was a success! It was a great experience, and we truly do recommend taking advantage of everything there is to offer there. 


#GirlBoss HCXO

Erica Salisbury

Fairfield '22

Erica is a Senior at Fairfield University majoring in Accounting with a minor in Digital Journalism. She has always loved fashion, beauty, and lifestyle, and is so excited to be a part of Her Campus again at Fairfield! She cannot wait to see all the things in store for her during her last year at Fairfield, especially with being involved in Her Campus.
Katie Mazzotta

Fairfield '21

Katie Mazzotta, from Massachusetts, studies marketing and finance at Fairfield University. She is the campus correspondent for Fairfield's Her Campus chapter. Her creativity and marketing skills provide a beneficial influence on the chapter's event planning and social media accounts. In her free time, she loves the beach and spending time with friends and family.