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5 Tips to Maintaining a Work-Life Balance in College

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Fairfield chapter.

Many people have an extremely challenging time maintaining a work-life balance. Personally, I hit the panic button every time I’m responsible for anything, so here are some tips to make your life a little easier! 

Get a Planner

My planner is a life saver! It’s easy to write down a schedule and assignments. It’s a portable calendar so you always know what you’re doing. I use my planner religiously to organize my life, plan out my time, and keep track of my assignments. Sometimes professors will shout out assignments and not post them anywhere which is when it comes in handy. I personally write out my schedule for the week so I know what I’m doing, who I’m seeing, what homework I have, and when my free time is! It’s such a lifesaver for someone who isn’t the most organized and wants to be. You can pick up a planner at Target, on Amazon, or at the on-campus bookstore! 

Have a To-Do list

The to-do list goes along with the planner. I put everything on my to-do list because checking off completed tasks 100% gives me a sense of accomplishment, even if it’s something as little as “make your bed.” I always feel most motivated to get things done when it’s written down. I have to-do list sticky notes, but you can write a to-do list on a napkin or a white board, whatever motivates you the most! There are also to-do list apps that are super helpful for on the go! My daily to-do list usually contains things like, go for a run, drink water, complete homework for XYZ. I pair my to-do list with my planner and it’s honestly one of the most effective forms of motivation. At the end of the day if you see tasks on your to-do list checked off, you go to sleep knowing your day was productive.  

Move it or Lose it

Maintaining a work-life balance can be super stressful because often we’re doing things for otherpeople, so I always like to incorporate something just for myself in my day/week. This is my secret to staying sane. Making allotted time where you spend time alone, doing something you love, watching a show, listening to music, working out, having a designated spa night, etc. are all great ideas! I personally spend one hour each day going for a run/walk-whether it be outside or on the treadmill, it helps clear my mind and spend time with myself. This refreshes my mind, increases my productivity, and recharges my social battery.  

Phone a Friend

I mean, this is obvious. Life is stressful, so your best friends or family members are the best people to talk to when you’re overwhelmed with school, friends, yourself, or anything. It’s nice to talk to someone that really gets you! I love my friends, but whenever I am losing it, I call my mom because she knows how to fix everything!

DO what you LOVE, and LOVE what you DO.  

Overall, college is challenging. We always feel a constant pressure to have an amazing social life on top of having quality grades. I contemplate whether I should go out or study, and often I feel the pressure that if I don’t go out, my friends won’t want to hang out with me… which is not true at all. Everyone is in the same boat, trying to balance the same thoughts. It’s all about picking whatever path is best for you, your friends will always understand! Having a work-life balance is definitely a challenge, but one we can control!  As exams begin to pick up and the semester starts to rapidly approach the midpoint, make sure to remember to breathe, Collegiettes! We’re all in this together—you’ve got this work-life balance thing under control.

MK Kalenak

Fairfield '25

Hi! I'm MK Kalenak! I'm a sophomore Public Relations & Digital Journalism Major and Finance Minor at Fairfield U from PGH, PA <3