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Your Christmas Holidays as told by Movie Favourites

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Exeter chapter.

The Christmas holidays are always a hectic time, but there’s something about coming home from university for the festive period that is equally endearing, frustrating and eventful. 

1. Finally submitting the last of the term’s deadlines

2. Then suddenly remembering you have January exams and essays 

3. Saying good bye to your housemates

4. When you’re the last person to leave and have no idea what to do with yourself 

5. Packing way too much for the short amount of time you’re actually home

6. When you open your parents’ fridge and see all the festive food

7. Finally being warm at ANY time during the day

8. Admiring your well crafted food baby after Christmas dinner

9. Everyone at around 4 pm on Christmas Day… (and at any time you have spare leading up to the big day) 

10. When you thought you were low key in shutting down one of your relatives’ sexist views but…

11. When you remember that there’s absolutely nothing to do in your town 

12. When you feel your motivation for the new term spiraling but you’re too festive to care

13. Despite the ups and downs, you really do appreciate making time for family during the festive season