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Why Summer Flings Are Not Always A Good Thing

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Exeter chapter.

We have been over the romantic side of a summer fling, and now it is time to get serious. Whilst romantic walks on the beach seem like the perfect summer procrastination, as we all know they rarely work out for the best. We have rounded up some of the not-so-perfect situations that arise as a result of the summer fling, to help you decide whether you are prepared to jump straight  into a summer romance.

1.      It is Easy To Become Attached:

At the start of summer, it is very easy to say that you won’t get attached to that Baywatch heartthrob you have been eyeing up amongst the sand dunes. However, a couple of months down the line, when the days become shorter it might be a different matter entirely. By getting too attached to your summer fling you leave yourself vulnerable to suffering from heartache at the end of summer. This could leave you mentally and emotionally tired instead of the refreshed student you wish to be for Fresher’s week. 

2.      If it starts out as a fling it is unlikely to go anywhere else:

If the relationship begins as a random fumble behind the beach huts, it is very likely to stay this way throughout this summer. Whilst this is a fun and exciting pursuit for the summer season, you have to once the summer ends there is a large chance each of you will be gallivanting to other sides of the country. If you don’t think you can cope with an attachment over the summer that ends abruptly, a summer fling probably doesn’t suit your romantic style. A fling needs to be accepted for what it is, cherished whilst it’s there and then let go off with no regrets.


3.      You may never see them again:

Summer flings can leave you in the position where you feel you really connected with someone and yet have to accept due to reasons beyond your control (perhaps geography!) it is unlikely you will ever see them again. This is very difficult and whilst long distance relationships can work, you need to prepare yourself to summer coming to a close and the relationship coming to an end

4.      May leave you with unfinished business:

 Summer flings can leave you with a sense of emptiness. Spending a great deal of time with someone over a concentrated period often allows you to form a very strong and intimate connection. This can leave you feeling a little blue if the fling does not develop into something more at the end of summer, leading you to think about ‘what could have been?’ and mourning a relationship before it even had the opportunity to begin.

5.You could be missing out of something or someone better:

Finally there’s the worry that whilst having your fling you could be missing out on the real deal, the one who will think of you as more than a fling. Whilst this may occur, its unlikely the real deal will think of you badly for indulging in a summer fling, and if he really is the real deal he will wait around for you, or you will finish your fling to make time and space for the one another.

This is by no means a comprehensive guide, and everything expressed is personal opinion with the help of some friend’s experiences. Summer flings can be a great way to blow of steam and have that naughty bit of fun, but you need to be really honest with yourself before entering one as not everyone is cut out for the separation at the end of the summer and the heartache that may occur.

Photo Credits: www.whengodspeaks-downhook.blogspot.co.uk, www.semuaorangantikami.blogspot.co.uk, www.matchmakerintheknow.blogspot.co.uk