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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Exeter chapter.

 Union Road is Exeter University’s first ever weekly soap, broadcast on Xpression FM every Wednesday at 5.45pm.

 Created, written, directed, and edited, by the endlessly enthusiastic Graham Eveleigh, Union Road proved a huge success before Christmas, but the excitement doesn’t stop there!

Union Road has certainly attracted attention for its bold, intense scenes. One of the most controversial storylines was that of Harriet and Ian (brother and sister) falling in love! It’s undoubtedly a very challenging and controversial story to tell, but it has been handled and portrayed with real feeling and maturity, making it so much more fulfilling. Other dramas last term included the plotting of George, the re-appearance of Mary’s ex-husband, and the revelation that Mr Lazenby was in fact murdered but all will be revealed in 2014…

There was of course lots of laughter as well. Linda is always on hand to provide some light relief from the more serious events taking place, and even George Lazenby can be fun “He’s the villain really, but he’s also very funny, and he comes out with some great, droll one-liners” says Graham. “And that’s what every street in the country is like – dark and light, both behind each door!”

Above all, Union Road is one product of all the talent we have at Exeter. The entire cast are simply brilliant and everyone involved works incredibly hard.

Union Road 2014 will be another step up both with the storylines, the level of performance, and production. There is certainly a lot to look forward to including romance, drama, tears and laughter!

For more exclusive news and updates for all things Union Road you can follow them on Twitter @UnionRoad_ and like the Facebook page

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