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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Exeter chapter.

It is that time of the year again – the beginning of a new term. Yet for some, this term starts not on the familiar doorsteps of their university, but abroad!

Although some have already left for their exciting year abroad (looking at you, peeps going to Australia), there are still a few of us left behind. And no matter if you are going, about to go, or have already gone, there is one thing we can all agree on – packing your life for the entire year in one suitcase is a nightmare. How on earth are you meant to represent yourself in a mere 23 kilograms?

Well, here at Her Campus we have devised some tips to help you pack your suitcase…

Bring only the necessary things

 As important as your collection of Harry Potter is, don’t bring it over. Use common sense – do you really need all the things in your make up bag? Are you honestly going to wear all 20 pairs of shoes? If the answer is yes – there’s some good news and bad news for you. The good news is that there are services for students studying abroad which can transport everything in boxes (think storage boxes over summer). Bad news? They are quite expensive, especially if you plan to send more than one box. With prices ranging around £100 for faraway destinations, and those in Europe around £30, it is not the cheapest option. 

So, what’s the best plan of action? Fabled students of the past have mentioned that it’s best to just bring clothes – individually light, able to pack many. Necessary toiletries include only tiny amounts for when you first arrive. Believe it or not, they do sell shampoo in other countries! Always double check if you’re actually going to wear that top that you bought on a sale last year and haven’t worn since. If it’s been in your wardrobe for a year, will it be worn the next?

Pack hack

One packing hack lies in having a small suitcase as your hand luggage. You are allowed to bring an accessory, such as a laptop bag, or better yet, a handbag. Yes, handbags count as accessories and not actual hand luggage, so feel free to bring a large bag or a small suitcase, crammed with some extra clothes or necessities.

For those planning to return home during the holidays

If you’re able to return home during the holidays – less packing stress for you! Going in autumn means you only need autumn and a few winter clothes. Then, you can come back home, return all your autumn clothes, and bring on the spring clothes! Same with the holidays that usually happen around spring – a chance to change your winter gear for the summer-wear! This method is not for everybody, but if you’re going somewhere near like Europe, it does help to plan ahead like this.

Good luck with your travels!

4th year English student, who just loves to read a little too much. And has a mild obsession with Japan.