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PDAs: Please Desist At Once!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Exeter chapter.

With Spring supposedly upon us once more, the appearance of baby lambs seems to have generated a blossoming array of Public Displays of Affection. It would seem that couples are desperately trying to procreate faster than any other mammal and insist on showcasing their carnal desires to us all.

As happy as we are that all you couples out there are still enjoying the honeymoon period, perhaps those smooches and clinches would be better kept behind closed doors.  You’ve found love and you can’t wait to show off your new (or even long-term) partner: you shouldn’t be afraid to tell the world. But recently, these loud and proud couples have taken over the whole of the University campus; these displays have been spotted in the library, the RAM and even the sport centre. The RAM, especially when you take into account that video after last year’s SSB, should be limited to curly fries rather than canoodling. And the last thing you want to see as you’re working out in the gym is some ridiculously toned pair sharing a wistful snog over the top of a cross-trainer as they are torn apart for a whole, lonely hour. Although safe sex is a great form of exercise, and showing affection can make you stronger as a couple, most of us think that it should be restricted to the bedroom rather than flaunted around the gym.


Another popular spot for these carefree lovers is public transport. Of course the back row of the cinema or school bus is always going to have a certain ‘joie de vivre’ about it, but by the time you hit your university years, one would hope that your spot of choice has matured somewhat. However for some, the way those gum-strewn seats tug on the heart-strings is irresistable. In fact, most people we asked would recommend avoiding the late night trains home from university at the end of term. You will undoubtedly save on the pennies if you take the love train, but trust us, you’ll wish you’d spent the extra money rather than witness the extreme tonsil tennis that takes place. And sometimes it’s not just the tonsils that are being explored.

As a parting note, we leave you with a sample of possibly the worst case of PDA witnessed since Britney and Madonna made out on stage.

A friend of mine was watching a movie with his best friend and his new girlfriend. Said best friend and girlfriend were very much fans of PDA, kissing and cuddling under a blanket before the opening music had even started playing. So my friend settled down to his popcorn and tried to ignore them. We’ve all been there: third-wheeling it to a couple is bad enough. Trying to ignore the wandering hands is almost impossible. However, my friend was a little more trusting than the rest of us and didn’t become suspect when the couple became suspiciously quiet. It wasn’t until the next day, when his friend gleefully revealed his little secret, that he realised it wasn’t the popcorn she’d been choking on…

Picture Credits: www.weheartit/com/entry/55865615#



2nd year English Lit student.