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Parliament’s Zero Tolerance for Sexism

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Exeter chapter.

Wednesday the 25th saw it come to light that Sheffield Hallam MP Jared O’Mara, who was elected in June’s snap election, has been suspended. Following the emergence of historic misogynistic and homophobic comment O’Mara had made online, the Labour Party quickly suspended the MP. There is a pending investigation on his comments and behavior. While the decision currently taken is not final, the investigation will dictate O’Mara’s future in the Labour Party and politics more widely.

Ironically, the MP was formally a member of the House of Commons’ Women and Equality Committee, yet comments about his “ugly b****” of an ex-girlfriend would suggest O’Mara has a different approach to women and their respect. When questioned during Prime Minister’s Questions, PM Theresa May said “All of us in this House should have due care and attention to the way in which we refer to other people and should show women in public life the respect that they deserve”. While O’Mara has said, he is “deeply ashamed” of his actions, and claimed that was a past version of himself and he has since been on a “journey of education”, Jeremy Corbyn was still adamant serious action must be taken. Henceforth, it was the Labour leader himself who instructed the suspension.  Furthermore, it has also been said that further information has emerged about the suspended MP’s behavior, but details of this have not be released.

While this occurrence may, at first, demoralize some women as it appears again sexism is still a prominent issue and may deter women for aiming for job roles in male dominant sectors, what we must take away from this incident is parliament’s zero tolerance regarding disrespect towards women. This is a key positive we must take from this and ensure it does not limit our ambitions!

Even though Jared O’Mara’s future is uncertain, his reputation is now permanently tainted; never again will he receive the respect of many and hence if he does run for re-election it begs the question of whether his constituents wants that sort of person representing them…

Keep the faith gals, one day comments and thoughts of this vile sort will be banished!



I'm Claudia, a third year Politics student at the University of Exeter, who loves all things Her Campus!