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Love Lessons #7: Keeping the Spark Alive

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Exeter chapter.

For everyone in a relationship, after the first couple of months it is sometimes hard to make sure that those first sparks that flew between you are still around. The knife into the back of a relationship can start with something as simple as a brief lull in variety and this is a slippery slope. It is important to keep an element of surprise in the relationship, especially in the busy environment of university with assignments, sporting commitments and nights out to compete with.

A key way to achieve this is by making sure that you do not fall into the “comfort zone”; we are all suckers for the new-found confidence that being one half of a relationship means, with  simple acts like dressing to impress falling to the wayside. Try once a week, to do something different from just spending a night in front of the TV. Eat out somewhere new (with vouchers this doesn’t have to be expensive) or maybe just go out for drinks- cocktails are always fun. In removing your relationship from easy surroundings, conversation will be alive and kicking, allowing you to learn new things about each other.

Don’t stick to pre-organised dates; literally surprise him with a treat once in a while. Gifts don’t just have to be for birthdays and Christmas. If you see something that makes you think of him, pick it up, it will show that you’re thinking of him even when you’re not together. Similarly make sure that you keep yourself happy, this will make you feel more comfortable with him which will benefit the relationship. Maybe get your hair done or splash out on a new outfit; leaving the house feeling good will make the return even better.


No one can deny that a big part of a good relationship comes down to the bedroom action. The foreplay and the sex, is often passionate and changeable at the beginning. There can be a tendency to go through a variety of positions and places. This strength of feeling has to remain throughout a relationship for it to stay unique to the two of you as a couple. If you truly are in the right relationship you should be comfortable in your own body both clothed and naked, and take the brave step of trying out new things. Do not be afraid to voice what you truly want in bed, it is sexy to be confident and both of you will enjoy the experience that much more. Check out our guide to ‘How not to be a prude when in the nude’ for tips.

 It can get a bit much sometimes always trying to be on best girlfriend behaviour so don’t be afraid to spend some time apart. Just one night of little contact can make seeing each other the next day, hotly anticipated. Suddenly you’re reminded why you’re attracted to each other and will find that in just that short 24 hours there’s so much to catch up on. That’s a great sign, and wanting to live separate lives for a short period should not mean that anything is wrong. Friends should not be forgotten; you’re both young and independent and a night out with the girls is totally ok.

Relationships should always be happy affairs, with both halves making a confident and loving whole. They must include fun both in and out the bedroom, and it is important to try out to new things to keep the spark alive. In Exeter there are so many venues at our finger tips that we should be making the most of. Just don’t be afraid to remind each other that it is normal to need time out and just chill or go out with friends; at the end of the day you both know there’s no one else you’d rather come home to at the end of the night.

Photo Credits: www.glamour.com , www.tumblr.com

Second year student at Exeter studying International Relations with French. Whilst trying to procrastinate from my 9 hours a week, I play lacrosse and now do a bit of writing for HCX, going out with friends and love a good bit of sofa time at mine on Longbrook Street. Hoping when I grow up to have a career in journalism or international development as well as trying to visit as many countries as possible.