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Lewis Hamilton & Nicole Scherzinger: Where did it all go wrong?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Exeter chapter.

Lewis and Nicole have had a seven year-long romance and have reportedly split four times, the most recently being last week. In the wake of the power couple splitting up again, I would like to address the issue of long distance, long term relationships. Why I hear you ask? Well this resonates with something that has happened to me very recently. Now, I should

Hamilton, 30, was in is early twenties when he and Scherzinger

Plus, with only communication via phone, skype or text, extra tension can begin to invade your relationship. Messages can be interpreted differently (only one kiss on this text?!), and we all know how infuriating it is when they read your WhatsApp message and don’t reply! And constantly checking your phone to see if he’s replied, or waiting around for him to return your call can become obsessive Scheduled phone conversations take up large chunks of your days, and you start to miss out on important things that are happening where you are. Suddenly you’re the girl who sneaks out of the party early to skype her boyfriend, or you miss the first 5 minutes of EastEnders with your housemates tying up a conversation with him…  But being at different ends of the country you inevitably don’t

Studying English, third year.