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Lazy girl health hacks!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Exeter chapter.

Most of us can probably admit to just not finding ourselves in the mood for this whole healthy living malarkey sometimes. It can often seem as though committing to a regular workout at the gym, or meal planning and preparation is just way too much effort when you could be winding down from a long day tucked up in bed, with a box of chocolate fingers, watching the most recent episode of First Dates. The only problem is it’s not malarkey. Turns out healthy living is actually really really important and that regular exercise and healthy home cooked meals packed full of nutrients can be hugely beneficial to both our body and mind – I know right, what a revelation! While we all know we should be getting our trainers on and buying in that rainbow of fruit and veg pronto, finding the motivation can be a serious struggle. So here’s hoping these five lazy girl health hacks are enough to get us in the zone!


1.       When it comes to exercise, ‘every little helps’

By making the most of exercise opportunities during the day you can burn so many more calories than you normally would when you take the shortcuts. That means quit those 5 minute drives to campus or taking the lift instead of the stairs, maybe even consider amping up the energy levels when dancing at the club. Just a walk into town instead of your regular online clothes order can be hugely beneficial-and carrying those Topshop bags full of clothes are kind of like lifting weights right?? To quote Jessica Simpson: “the only sport I play is shopping. But there’s a lot of walking involved in that…”

2.       Friends that live healthily together, stay together

Planning meals and activities together can be hugely beneficial as bonding experiences as well as improving our physical and mental health-plus it’s just soooo much more fun having a laugh with the girls at  Zumba class rather than going on your own. It’s so important to take a break from the daily grind and even more important to take a break by doing something sociable that’s both fun and beneficial to your mind and body. Plan a gals night in making healthy smoothies or squad night at the gym.  Not only will your friends be there to motivate you every step of the way, but they’ll also give you the confidence to try new things.


3.       The big freeze

This is nowhere near as ‘big’ as it sounds, but could still be really helpful! It can be so easy to come home from a late night lecture, or be in a rush making dinner because there’s a social or pres you need to get too. This can cause us to take shortcuts in food prep, gorging on unhealthy snacks, ready meals or saving ourselves for those 2am cheesy chips. But fear no more-by freezing our food we create our own ready meals. The only difference is they’re home cooked, full of nutritious (and less questionable) ingredients and probably a lot tastier! So next time you have a free afternoon stock up on those teeny plastic tubs and bulk cook some tasty meals. Move the Ben and Jerry’s and eight pack of potato waffles to the side (don’t do anything drastic like throw them away though aha), and fill the space with home prepared curries, stews and maybe even sorbet if you’re feeling fancy. 


4.       Beware of the snack draw

A lot of us are guilty of keeping cheeky snacks in our rooms, but the trick is to make them healthy instead of naughty. Keep temptation out of sight and put the biscuits and crisps in the kitchen cupboard. This saves you from overindulging when textbook reading is getting way too boring. A healthy alternative to keep your stomach from making whale noises could be keeping a bowl of fruit or dried fruit and nuts in your room instead. You too can be as happy as this girl holding an apple that matches her top.

5.       The Holy YouTube tutorial

You Tube tutorials are fab for when you don’t have the energy to go outside for a work out or aren’t prepared for the world to see your makeup-less, exercise face. With just a quick browse of the site you can find a multitude of videos showing you how to do almost every form of exercise from yoga to prancercise (a chill and hilariously fun workout that you should definitely check out btw). Some of our personal faves include: Yoga with Adriene-Adriene does regular online classes ranging from 10 minutes long to an hour, so perfect for a structured and adaptable workout; Zumba Fitness-this channel offers multiple lessons ranging in styles such as hip hop and electro house; and Fitness blender-providing videos for cardio workouts as well as exercises that focus on building and strengthening certain muscles. Check out the links below to access the aforementioned channels and videos!

Fitness Blender: https://www.youtube.com/user/FitnessBlender

Zumba Fittness: https://www.youtube.com/user/lovezumba

Yoga with Adriene: https://www.youtube.com/user/yogawithadriene

Prancercise: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o-50GjySwew