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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Exeter chapter.

From my early teens I have had a keen eye for fashion, always mindful of seasonal trends, magazines, high street new ins and constantly exposing myself to fashion bloggers photographing their latest looks. Feeding off these stimuli has caused me to become particularly fashion-conscious, always spending time to choose and plan the clothes in which I desire to wear; whether it be for a lecture or dinner out for a special occasion.

The thrilling process of researching an outfit and then trying on new items in front of your bedroom mirror never fails to boost my serotonin levels. And after all, if you look good then you feel good!


To some it may seem trivial, that there is no thought behind grabbing a sweatshirt and jeans for a day on campus. But such an action is not involuntary. Fashion is an art of expression and the garments in which we wear tell a story: don’t tell me that the jeans you are wearing today don’t hold a memory from when you previously wore them! 

Transitioning into your 20’s is the perfect time to switch up your style. Us millennials are constantly inspired by our surroundings.


There is never a day that I don’t spot an outfit that I want to recreate or motivates me to re-think how I wear my own clothes in order to achieve a different look. Whether it be street style, chic, casual or designer, there is a constant flux of students all voicing their personalities through their clothes. 

Now I have given you an insight into the passion I have for fashion I want to set you all a challenge: choose to wear a new look this week and see how it makes you feel, you won’t regret it!


Clare Lewis

Exeter '21

Studying English at Exeter Uni