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How to Pile Off The Christmas Pounds

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Exeter chapter.

So, it’s January, and this month is hitting us in the face harder than Millie’s slap on Made In Chelsea.  Here we all are, settling back at uni, mourning the loss of all the festive spirit, presents, and of course, the free food we scrounged from our family’s kitchens. It was fun while it lasted… but three weeks of countless mince pies, chocolate cake and leftover Christmas dinner later, it’s safe to say the festive weight gain is a curse to girls everywhere. (Unless you’re Miranda Kerr, of course)  It’s easy to go a little crazy during the weeks of free food, free heating, and free booze. And it’s not just us. According to the BDA (British Dietetic Association) the average person gains an average of 6lb over the Christmas and New Year period. It seems we just can’t help overindulging! But now that January’s rolled around, a lot of us are thinking about getting back into shape (or our favourite pair of jeans.)

 But don’t stress! And definitely don’t crash diet. Her Campus has plenty of easy ways to banish those unwelcome pounds- simply by making a few changes to your lifestyle that won’t require going crazy on a treadmill for three hours a day or only eating food that tastes of cardboard.  It’s all about keeping active, eating healthily, and most importantly of all, avoiding fad diets!

1.    Exercise is key. Have you ever heard the phrase ‘you’ve gotta move it to lose it?’ Sadly, lying on our couches watching reruns of Miranda won’t get us any closer to our weight loss goals.  In order to lose a steady two pounds a week (which means in three weeks, all that Christmas podge could be long gone) fitness experts recommend getting 50 minutes of moderate exercise a day. But this doesn’t have to mean sweating buckets at the gym. Simply by incorporating simple changes, like walking to uni instead of taking the bus, getting outdoors on the weekends (like taking a stroll around Exe’s picturesque quay) or choosing to keep taking the stairs instead of the lift could burn off those mince pies in no time. Do home exercises (YouTube has a great selection) and turn your living room into a mini gym. Short bursts of exercise can be even more effective for fat burning than long steady sessions.

2.     Remember, it’s all about still enjoying yourself even if the holidays are over. So in the spirit of January resolutions, take yourself and a friend along to try a new exercise class once a week. You’ll get fitter, more toned, and those exercise-released endorphins will leave you feeling happy and ready to take on another term of lectures!  Plus, exercising with a friend is proven to be twice as motivating as exercising alone.  That podge will be gone in no time!

3.    Snack that weight away! You can keep eating plenty- but make sure to make the right moves with your meals. Experts recommend eating 5-6 small meals a day in order to keep your metabolism constantly revving and burning fat. You’ll have plenty of energy to power through a day of lectures with enough left over for a cheeky night out at Time Piece.  Eating small meals frequently will also stop you from feeling ravenous after a blood sugar drop; no more 3pm frantic runs to the library vending machines!

4.    Definitely don’t skip breakfast. It may seem like an easy way to cut calories, but missing out on breakfast could actually make you fatter. Breakfast acts like an ignition for your body, burning energy and boosting your metabolism. Studies show those that students who eat breakfast are more likely to be slimmer than those that don’t; as depriving yourself leads to sugar crashes and overeating later on. So tuck in! There’s plenty of quick options available, such as cereal, whole grain toast, eggs or yogurt. All of which are great for keeping trim.

5.   Make smart choices with your food. Choose leaner cuts of meat, avoid ready meals (their high levels of salt leave you more bloated than a balloon) and snack on healthier options. Eating foods that promote weight loss don’t have to taste terrible or ruin your student budget.

6.    Simply make a few swaps in your diet. Opt for fruit over sweets for the same sweetness without the added calories. Looking for something crunchy? Buy yourself some carrots, celery or pepper, chop them up and enjoy with a pot of low fat hummus. Affordable and perfect for snacking; and a great alternative to crisps or bland cereal bars.  For an even tastier treat, enjoy an apple with a Tbsp of natural peanut butter. The combo provides an energy-boosting snack that will keep you going throughout the day; stopping you from reaching for those ever-tempting biscuits. Supermarkets constantly have great deals on produce, so go hunting for the best fruit and veg without draining your wallet. Your body and your skin will thank you for it.

7.    Keep handy snacks in your bag to combat cravings when you’re out of the house. Simple snacks like cheese sticks, fruit and unsalted nuts make great choices because they can be sealed into sandwich bags; keeping the inside of your bag clean and your snacks fresh for when hunger strikes.

8.    Finally, after all that Christmas partying, cutting back on the alcohol for a bit will seriously help lose that festive plumping. But this doesn’t mean going completely tee-total. Choose spirits over beer. It will banish bloating and save yourself plenty calories. Make smart choices if you prefer cocktails; A 10oz margarita packs a whopping 550 calories (that’s more than a McDonalds Big Mac) whilst a Cosmopolitan had a angelic 99 calories. On a night out, try drinking water between every other drink you order. You’ll save calories whilst still feeling you can enjoy the night. And if anyone asks; it’s vodka.

Remember, it’s all about leading a healthy lifestyle that will take those extra pounds off for good. Simply by making easy changes like these, you can be feeling confident again in no time. So enjoy January to it’s fullest, without fretting over that pesky Christmas weight gain. 


Image Credits: pinterest.com