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How to Eat Healthily Without Breaking Your Student Budget

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Exeter chapter.

When we’re living at university and surviving off our measly student budgets, it’s all too easy to opt for the more unhealthy food options. Trying to juggle a hectic study and social schedule can mean a balanced diet quickly turns into biscuit breakfasts, cheesy chip snack runs and carb-laden dinners. As a result, our diets get poorer… and our jeans tend to get a little larger.

But being a student doesn’t mean we have to resort to junk food. There are plenty of ways to eat low fat, great tasting food that provides all the energy we need, without draining the weekly budget!

1.  Lookout for supermarket deals and promotions

It’s easy to pass over on fruit and veg due to their potentially hefty price tags. But really, it’s all about looking for cheap deals and promotions in order to get the most for your money. Look for products in season; they’ll be much cheaper than others. Bananas are consistently cheap; averaging around 12p per banana. That’s a far cheaper snack than a chocolate bar!  Buying produce from local stalls is even cheaper than supermarkets, so go exploring and find the best deals you can.

2.  Don’t be afraid to buy own brands

There’s no denying generic brands like Tesco Value aren’t the most attractive of food packaging. But looks can be deceiving; the product inside tends to be just as good as the more expensive labels. Items such as red kidney beans, whole-wheat pasta, brown rice and tinned tomatoes can be incredibly cheap. Perfect for creating quick, easy meals that provide plenty of energy to keep you going… without spending a fortune.

3.  Stick to tap water

Water is the hidden secret to good health. Rosie Huntington-Whitely herself has referred to the stuff as ‘nature’s drug.’ Not only does water help promote weight loss, keep skin clear and provide us with renewing energy, but it’s also free! Get yourself a glass and choose tap water over squash, fizzy drinks or shop bought smoothies. Your skin, wallet and body will thank you for it.


4. Time to bulk up

You can find massive packs of rice, couscous and whole-wheat pasta for great prices. By buying in bulk, you stock up and save money. It means you’ll always have a range of healthy whole grains at the ready for when hunger strikes; without spending a fortune. Also, if you know you have food readily available, you’ll be less likely to give into cravings. There are no more excuses for late night Dominoes after a tiring library session!

5. Try ordering groceries online

Try ordering food online and have it delivered to your address. The minimal delivery fee is definitely worth the benefits of online groceries. You can work out exactly what you spend on food, browse all available deals and find products unavailable in the smaller, local stores. Those little purchases we make, like snack runs and costa coffee trips, all add up far too quickly. By ordering groceries online, you control exactly what you buy and save yourself money in the long term. You’ll also be more likely to choose healthier options! No more last-minute biscuit purchases before you reach the checkout till.

6. The freezer is your new best friend

Buying the same products in frozen form can be far cheaper than fresh. Instead of having packaged ready meals, try buying frozen chicken or fish. Not only a great source of protein, but also low fat and best of all… affordable! Frozen fruit and veg are also far cheaper than fresh. Frozen fruit makes a great snack, whilst vegetables such as sweetcorn or carrots can be defrosted in minutes. You can make a healthy meal in no time at all!

7. What about eating out?

Sometimes girls just wanna’ have fun. As a student, you can still enjoy healthier restaurants without having to resort to cheaper chip vans. Look online for student deals- Studentbeans has loads of vouchers to find money off your favourite spots. Places like Wagamama’s and Giraffe Cafe also make great options because they offer moderately healthy food without a massive price. Many restaurants run lunch time deals, so check up online to find out the best time to go. Yo! Sushi runs ‘Blue Mondays’ every Monday; each dish is a measly £2.40 all day! So tuck in without worrying about your wallet, or your waistline.

Image Credits: telegraph.co.uk, besthousejo.blogspot.com, theberry,com