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How Does Friends Relate to Your Love Life?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Exeter chapter.

So everyone loves Friends (right?). We’ve grown up with it (thank god for E4 repeats) and now its hard to imagine life without the comfort of the six loveable New Yorkers. They have taught us valuable life lessons; from the fact that it is never smelly cat’s fault, to when moving a couch up the stairs, PIVOT. Here at Her Campus we believe Friends is most fantastic at reflecting our turbulent, awkward, wonderful (sometimes hilarious) love lives. Whether it’s in the heartbreak, the loved up happiness or the hook-ups, we feel there is something for everyone to relate to in the Friends world of life, love and madness.


The One With the “On Again/Off Again” Relationship

“We were on a break!”. Five of the most notorious break up words in popular television history. Were they? Weren’t they? Who knows?! Whether you’re Team Ross or Team Rachel, you can’t help but relate to the mutual hurt. Despite such a crushing breakup, their history and magnetic chemistry created a sense that it would never be over for them. If you find yourself, as Monica says, in an “I love Ross, I hate Ross, I love Ross, I hate Ross” type situation with your


The One with the Secret Affair

Monica and Chandler getting together was one of the most unexpected and adorable twists in the Friends plot, and now it is impossible to imagine them without each other. However, what they have really taught us is how to keep the honeymoon period of a relationship a secret (and the thrill of sneaking around that comes with it). If you and your partner have ever wanted to keep the warm exciting feeling to yourselves for a while, or to protect your relationship from the wrath of an older brother, then you will understand the commitment that such a secret requires. Secret weekends away, an uncharacteristic amount of laundry trips together (your sheets have never been so clean) and perhaps most difficult of all, having to hide your PDA. Monica and Chandler got caught out a few times, but we can learn from their mistakes. If you accidentally kiss your partner in front of your friends, don’t then proceed to kiss every one of your friends under the guise of it being a “European” custom (ahem Chandler). You may have protected your secret relationship from exposure, but you don’t want to be THAT friend.


The One with the Player’s Roommate

You might be sat thinking; could I BE anymore single? Before Chandler found love with Monica, there was nothing funnier than watching his cute goofiness with women play against Joey’s success. More the funny friend to host Joey’s dates the morning after: “I often make pancakes for them in the morning time” (you tell ‘em Chandler) than the guy with his own dates, Chandler is a more charismatic realisation of all our dating fears. His droll humour makes him a


The One with the Free Spirit

The wonderful, kooky, enchanting enigma of the Friends crew, she has perhaps the most patchwork dating record out of everyone. Her hippy-style freedom causes her to live how she wants, date who she wants and declare her kinkiness to the world with a self-accepting confidence I think we can all envy. If you’re anything like Phoebe, your passionate and reckless personality causes you to meet your love interests in the most unexpected ways. Yell at somebody for interrupting your guitar playing? You get a date with a charming audience member. Steal a policeman’s badge? You get a date with a policeman. And if you can’t decide between two guys? Date them both for the time being. Your unique character and free-spirited attitude bewitches (though sometimes alarms) the people around you, and allows you to be happy. Eventually though you will find someone who tames you and makes you want to be “normal”. Until then, let your fabulous flakiness guide you.


Whatever your love life situation right now, ‘Friends’ has left us one last gem to give us hope; one day we will all find our lobster.




Photo credit: www.giphy.com, www.weheartit.com, www.wifflegif.com, www.comedycentral.co.uk