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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Exeter chapter.

This week’s HCX Campus Cutie is the one and only Jon Burgoyne. With a huge personality, a great sense of humour, and a love for Queen B that almost rivals our own, there is nothing we do not love about him. But if you cannot trust us, or want to know more about this cutie, then read on for an exclusive peek into him and his life… 

Name: Jonathan Burgoyne

Degree: Biological Sciences

Year: 3

Relationship Status: Taken

Describe yourself in three words:

Think, do, laugh.

What would be your perfect date?

Probably a date where you actually do something, cliff jumping, quad-biking, walks, jet-skiing?

Who’s your celebrity crush?

Somewhere between Zac Efron and Tom Daley.

What’s your most embarrassing moment?

When I was in year 6 I had to sing the Friends theme tune for the leaver’s assembly, and I forgot all the words so made them up in front of all my friends and their parents. I got a standing ovation, but internally I wanted to combust and drop in to a hole.

What is at the top of your bucket list?

Managing to get a seat in Lasok, despite arriving after a lie-in during exam season.

If you were stranded on a desert island but could have three items, what would they be?

Water, sun cream and a sleeping bag. My 407 Instagram followers would have noticed something was up though and formed a search party.


Quick fire questions:

Arena or TP? Arena

Cheesy chips or subway? Cheesy chips

Birthday cake or birthday suit? Birthday suit

Beyoncé or Bieber? Driver roll up the partition, please.

Boston Tea Party or Costa? I have never been to Boston tea party, I feel like I’m missing out.


Thanks for the catch-up Jon!

Culture EditorCurrently studying Biological Sciences in my third and final year at the University of Exeter. I love adventures and exploring the world around me so I'm trying to squeeze as much fun into this stressful time - you only get one life!