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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Exeter chapter.

Attention ladies, this week Her Campus Exeter has found the perfect man to steal your heart this New Year. Dan O’ Leary is a hopeless romantic who will sweep you off your feet. With brains, looks and an irresistible accent, what is not to love about this Irish medic?

Name: Dan O’ Leary

Course: Medicine

Year: First

Relationship Status: Single


Describe yourself in 3 words.

Almost Irresistibly Irish.

What would be your ideal date?

A dinner out in a nice restaurant, followed by drinks in my home town pub, and then a walk on the beach to finish off the night.

Who is your celebrity crush?

I honestly have no idea.

What are you most attracted to in a girl?

Intelligence, confidence, and ambition.

What has been your craziest night out at university so far?

I decided on the first weekend in Exeter that I would challenge a few second and third year veterans in the art of beer tasting/downing. I then lost my footing in a freak slipping accident while chasing a rugby ball, and banjaxed my knee. I later unsuccessfully attempted to turn on my friend’s shower while standing in it fully clothed (I am still unsure of the reason why). I then rounded off my night by cooking almost my entire kitchen’s contents, and eating it before finally falling into a long and enjoyable beauty sleep.

What is at the top of your bucket list?

Becoming an Exeter’s Campus Cutie.

Fun fact?

I have been told that my Irish accent is “simply wonderful“, and I think I was partly (if not mostly) elected for this profile due to my highly flattering photo in the medic annual naked calendar.


Quick Fire Questions

Blonde or brunette? Brunette.

Mosaic arena or TP? Has to be Arena.

Netflix and chill or romantic night out? Romantic night out followed by Netflix and chill.

Kebab or cheesy chips? Kebab (as I am sorry to admit that I have never had the latter).

Would you rather be a beetle sized man or a man sized beetle? Volkswagen Beetle sized man.


Thanks Dan, it’s been great chatting with you!


Deputy Editor for Culture at Her Campus Exeter. I am a final year student studying Classics and German at the University of Exeter.