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Blog Recipe: The Remedy

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Exeter chapter.

Freshers left you feeling not so fresh? The remedy will get you back on track, for sure. Now, this recipe originated from my grandma, a very wise lady, and is tried and tested by pretty much all of my family; whether it be for a cold, a headache, or just for feeling generally under the weather.



2 tablespoons of cider vinegar

2 tablespoons of runny honey

2 tablespoons of water

A pinch of ground ginger

A pinch of cayenne pepper



Put all of the ingredients into a sealable container and, in the words of granny, “shake it like billio”. Basically shake it a lot.

Take 2 tablespoons of the remedy once during the day and once before bed.

Now I understand that it’s quite unlikely to find those sorts of ingredients in your everyday student kitchen. So when my flatmate asked me to make her some last week we had to use a bit of initiative.

So cider vinegar we replaced with diet coke (you could use lemonade or something with a bit of fizz in it). The runny honey… pretty sure we just squeezed a good dollop of maple syrup into the pot. I’m pretty sure everyone at uni has tap water at least, so don’t splash out on anything bottled. Now, the ground ginger and the cayenne pepper. Surprisingly enough we had the cayenne pepper so we popped that in (quite a hefty pinch), but anything with a bit of a kick to it would do, chilli powder or some sort of spice.

Now my flatmate said it worked wonders and she was able to go out every night of fresher’s week without feeling totally wretched at the end of it. I think that’s proof enough. And as my granny says, it won’t do you any harm even if it doesn’t do you any good. Which I suppose is comforting. So enjoy.