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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Exeter chapter.

Welcome back to Exeter ladies, we hope you had a fantastic break and are ready for your exams. But if not, and you are feeling the pressure like the rest of us, remember there are many ways to combat stress at this busy time. As well as taking regular breaks, our favourite way to relax is splashing out on some treats. The products we have for you this week are perfect for some well-needed downtime. So look after yourself and spend some of the money you’ve saved from staying in on some of our picks. 

Lush Bath Bomb £4

With a stressful month ahead, we recommend a trip to Lush as soon as you get back to Exeter. We all know about their famous bath bombs, and despite having been around for such a long time, they are still the perfect treat when you’re stressed with work. The ‘Twilight’ bath bomb is infused with Lavender oil and specifically targets stress. Lavender is known to be excellent in relieving stress and helping you sleep so letting this melt into a warm bath after a long day of revision will put you in the perfect mood for a long night’s sleep. Another bonus of this product is that it will help to heal any imperfections on your skin, as Lavender has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory qualities. Another of their products that has similar effects is their ‘Dreamtime’ bath melt. Similar to ‘Twilight,’ this product contains natural relaxing oils from lavender, ginger and chamomile to help you relax in a luxurious bath. ‘Dreamtime’ also contains Cocoa butter which will moisturize your skin leaving it smooth and hydrated. Costing less than £4 each, who could say no to the perfect excuse for a long relaxing bath?


Origins Super Spot Remover £13

It is safe to say that exam stress is not doing wonders for our skin. Stress and hormonal blemishes are making an appearance, and after being let down by so many brands promising us that their products will make spots disappear, we are all feeling hesitant when looking for spot treatment products.   But this Super Spot Remover by Origins stays true to its name. It contains salicylic acid which has exfoliating agents, so a little dab on any spot and the product will instantly help to reduce it and prevent scarring. Although the bottle may seem a little small for the £13 you pay for it, a little really does go a long way and you certainly get your money’s worth! 


Neutrogena Visibly Clear Pink Grapefruit Daily Scrub £4.95

Despite the possibility of sunshine, the summer term never gets off to a great start with the onslaught of exams. It doesn’t matter how conscientious or prepared you are, it’s a stressful time of year for everyone. Which is why we’ve chosen an inexpensive, and seemingly unexciting face wash for The Beauty Buzz this week. Whether you suffer from bad skin or are one of those enviable girls whose skin is blemish free, you’ll be finding that the stress of exams has a tendency to show itself on your face. Which is why a good face wash can make all the difference and Neutrogena’s Visibly Clear Pink Grapefruit Daily Scrub, £4.95, doesn’t disappoint. It smells incredible and the lightly exfoliating texture leaves skin feeling fresh and smooth. It doesn’t dry out your skin but we’d recommend applying a thin layer of your regular moisturiser after use. Trust us, this great product will get your skin (and you!) through exams.


Laura Mercier Oil Free Tinted Moisturizer SPF 20 £33

Finally, with the exam period in full swing, nights out are becoming few and far between. Whilst this in itself seems depressing, the upside is that you’ll be spending less. So why not spoil yourself and spend some of the money you would usually be spending in Timepiece on some quality make up? Laura Mercier’s tinted moisturiser, £33 is the perfect treat. Foundations can be thick and heavy, and now that spring has finally arrived, it’s important to let your skin breathe. Tinted moisturisers are lightweight alternatives and this one by Laura Mercier offers full, extensive coverage, without clogging up your pores. As it’s oil free it has a matte finish and leaves skin looking flawless. If you want to add some colour to your complexion, apply a dash of bronzer over the top.  


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Lily Houghton is in her final year at Exeter studying English. With an unhealthy addiction to shopping, and unparalled knowledge of Exeter's retail sector, the role of Fashion and Beauty Editor seemed to be made for Lily, and her parents were thrilled she channelled her energy towards something that didn't involve spending money. Whilst her goal of bringing the catwalks of Milan and Paris to the sunny south of England may be slighty ambitious, she also hopes to banish the jeans/flip-flop trend from campus once and for all, and impose an immediate expulsion rule on anyone seen in daylight in a onesie. Contradictory to many women interested in fashion, she loves cake, her Ugg boots, and spending an afternoon immersed in an Emily Dickinson anthology. She hopes to travel America before going into the fashion industry, although she still hasn't come to terms with just how soon she will be graduating.