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The Anti-Valentine’s Day Rant

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Exeter chapter.

Valentine’s Day is fastly approaching and what better way to celebrate than to take part in the mandatory anti-Valentine’s day rant. For all those out there who think of February 14th as one of Hallmark’s most aggravating creations, this article is especially for you. Her Campus has gathered the opinions from the most notorious Valentine’s haters to help you start to prepare for the romantic season. Best to get all that pent up anger out of your system now, so you don’t end up like the Grinch who stole Val’s day, breaking smitten couples hearts.

Let the ranting commence:

The fact that the season appears to only celebrate the lovers of the world has ruffled quite a few feathers in Exeter. As one notorious Valentine’s day hater informed Her Campus “Valentine’s day is such a selfish holiday as it only celebrates couples. Where’s Single’s day?” This girl was not alone in her opinion with one first year geography student agreeing that the day should be re-named “forever alone day.” A second year English student declared Valentine’s day highlighted “just how single” she really was leading to “an obscene amount of chocolate being consumed.” For every single lady who finds the day plain depressing, there are a hundred others who think the it is ridiculously cringy. One second year student commented what she hates most about the day are the “hideous declarations of love posted all over Facebook.” For said student there is nothing worse than “couples tagging one another in statuses or posting pictures of the gifts that they have received with accompanying comments such as ‘best boyfriend ever’”.

However, it is not just the singletons of the world who think the holiday is more of a nightmare than a celebration. One member of EUSC pointed out that far from being romantic, Valentine’s day is really rather a hassle. “If you want to go out for dinner, you have to book weeks in advance only to find yourself cramped into a loud, tiny restaurant with a half an hour time limit to eat your meal.” Many people shared this opinion pointing out that planning anything on Valentine’s day was extremely expensive, especially “when vouchers are not valid”.  A third year finance student highlighted “even when you do find a good deal at a restaurant, the set-menu is never exactly what you want so you end up eating an extremely mediocre meal.” Another taken English student said being surrounded by couples engaging in excessive amounts of P.D.A “makes you feel as though your relationship is not as strong as the couples sitting next to you.”


It is not only the girls of Exeter who felt the need to let out their feelings about Valentine’s day. One boy commented that “Valentine’s Day places so much pressure” on guys to be “romantic and spontaneous, which is very difficult to do if you want to be original.” Her Campus were surprised about how many boys commented on the difficulty to please us ladies on the special day with one boy saying “that one bad gift could lead to the end of the relationship altogether resulting in the worst Valentine’s day present ever.”

There you have it then, Her Campus’ annual Valentine’s rant. Be it smug couples, cramped restaurants or hideous gifts, we hope that we have provided you with the necessary materials to feed your anti-Valentine’s hatred. If this isn’t enough to please your Valentine’s day demons, HCX gives you permission to continue the rant to anyone who will listen.

Photo Credits: www.cs7011.userapi.com, www.cutestfood.com,  www.whenimwithy0u.tumblr.com, www.besthdwallpaper.com