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9 Reasons Why Jane Villanueva from ‘Jane the Virgin’ is a Great Role Model

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Exeter Cornwall chapter.

Warning! Spoilers ahead! 

If you haven’t already checked out Jane the Virgin‘s first season, currently airing on Channel 4 in the UK, I very much reccommend you do. The show is based loosely on the Venezuelan Telenovela Juana le Virgen, where Jane, a 23 year old Latina woman living in Miama, Florida, gets accidently artifically inseminated during a routine check-up (crazy right?!).

Not only does this show have astounding orginality in its storyline, but the program also parodies the typical style of a real Telenovela, making it as dramatically humorous as the likes of previous American Telenovela remakes such as Ugly Betty. The show has recieved incredible reviews for its amazing script and acting, and is currently scoring at 100% on Rotten Tomatoes! It has to be said that a large part of its success is down to its female protagonist, Jane Villanueva.

Although some of the main events that happen in Jane’s life on the show are not exactly ‘relateable’, her character is a great role model for women of all ages. Following are nine reasons why…

1. She is a caring a loyal friend to those close to her, including her family

Family is an important part of Jane’s life. Her mother and Abuela are the two people closest to her and they do pretty much share everything. She is loyal and sticks by those closest to her, be it friends or (ex)-boyfriends. There is never a disagreement big enough that could break their friendship. 

2. She handles lifes struggles and confrontations with grace 

Jane is put in some very awkward situations on the show, but never fails to put a humorous twist on them. Even in the darkest of situations, when her newborn baby is stolen from the hospital by a drug dealer (dramatic, right?!), she leaps out of bed shortly after giving birth to find her son. She could have been freaking out, but instead takes action in a calm a controlled manner. I couldn’t imagine what state I would be in in her situation!

3. She is understanding and forgiving in the hardest of situations

Even after all the hardships Jane encounters, she is still forgiving of those who have wronged her. Petra for example, her sort-of ‘arch-nemesis’ ends up becoming friends with Jane in the most unlikely of circumstances. Even after Petra’s mother pushes Jane’s Grandmother down the stairs, Jane still throws a friendly bridal shower for Petra. Don’t say I didn’t warn you – it’s a complicated show!

4. She is appreciative of the small things in life

Jane grows up without a father in the show, however soon in the first season discovers her father is in fact Telenovela star Rogelio de la Vega. Instead of dwelling on the fact her father hadn’t been around all her life and the fact that her Mum essentially lied about his existence, she forgives her and treats Rogelio like the father she always had. She also gets a bit overexcited about accomplishing everyday life and tasks, such as completing work for grad school or finally lactating to feed her son Mateo. Its refreshing to watch her expressive displays of appreciation of small and very normal things, especially in a world of fast-paced consumerism. She certainly brings you down to earth. 

5. She puts others first 

You can’t deny that Jane is extremely caring towards others. Although she is artificially inseminated and has the oppurtunity to op out of the pregnancy, she decides to have the baby and give it up to the father, since he had survived testicular cancer and this was his last sperm sample, and therefore his last chance to have his own biological child. In spite of the baby being anything but planned, he definitely does not come into a world unwanted.

6. She knows how to stay positive

Looking at the bright side of life is one of Jane’s greatest traits. Quite dark moments happen on the show, deaths, betrayals, scandals… but through them all there is a positive energy that follows Jane and ultimately, no bad situation is left unfixed.

7. She is independent 

Although she is extremely thoughtful of those around her, Jane never fails to demonstrate her independence and ensures she is making the right decisions for her. She handles the pregnancy as a mostly single mum, considering she isn’t in a long-term relationship with the father or another man. She follows the examples of the strong women in her life, her Mother and Grandmother, who both bought up their children as single Mums. She definitely follows the beat of her own drum when it comes to how to handle tough situations, as well as her self-driven passion for her career and hobby as a writer.

8. She’s passionate and follows her dreams 

Writing is her passion, and the one thing you can’t say Jane lacks is passion. Even with the sudden pregnancy (which was definitely not in her life plan!) she continues to pursue her dream of becoming a writer, even attending grad school with a newborn baby. As her mum Xiomara insightfully tells her, ‘don’t let motherhood hijack your goals’, and she certainly doesn’t!

9. She’s real 

Although Jane has been through a lot of abnormal experiences for a woman in her early 20s (I mean, how many people get accidentally artifically inseminated?), she does share life’s typical struggles… guy problems, work problems, clothes problems… the list is endless!

It’s interesting to see how she handles awkward moments with hilarity and charm, and somehow always finds a solution. She’s not perfect but thats what makes us love her more, and why she is such a great role model! 

Second year undergraduate at Exeter's Cornwall Campus studying Geography! Enthusiastic blog reader, writer and photographer! Specialising in student life living by the beach in the lovely place that is Falmouth, Cornwall.