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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Exeter Cornwall chapter.

Deadlines, exams and hand-in periods are upon us. It’s time to get out our notebooks and laptops to cram an entire year’s worth of notes and information into our heads. It’s a daunting time for anyone; whether you’re a first year university student sitting down to your first official examination, or a third year putting the finishing touches on a dissertation, everything is stressful. That’s why it’s important to take time for yourself when you need it. What better way to do that than to gain inspiration for the upcoming summer holidays by watching tv shows that start up that travel bug? Here are 5 tv shows to watch to prepare yourself for the sun that is (hopefully) coming our way.

5. Treme

I’ve mentioned this well-liked, short-lived and little-known television show before as something to watch if music is your passion, but if you are a travel buff and looking for a new place to visit, why not head to New Orleans? Granted, this show is situated in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, so certain things are bound to have changed if you visit now, but this is seriously the kind of show that gets you wanting a ticket to this city by the end of it.

4. Vikings

Another great tv show, another great filming location. This time it’s in the lush greenlands of Ireland and Norway that this show is shot. The show is known for its beautiful exterior shots, and if you disregard the myth of eternal rain in Ireland, you can probably see these places for yourself in County Wicklow, as well as the western part of Norway.

3. Sense8

Yes, it’s a Netflix show. Yes, it’s about 8 people all over the world sharing thoughts, emotions, and actions. Yes, it was created by the Wachowskis. Disregard all of that and focus on the amazing locations that are featured in this show. These places are actually used for the filming of the series, so no green screens and fake sets are used here. From the sweltering bustle of Nairobi to the exotic colors of Mexico City, even passing by the snowy peaks of Iceland, this is definitely a show that will get you hankering for the holidays.

2.  Game of Thrones

Some parts of this incredibly popular series are shot in a warehouse in Belfast (Northern Ireland), but other parts – like the exterior shots of King’s Landing and the snowy realms to the North of Westeros – are filmed in some of the most beautiful places in the world. Croatia and Malta are both used in this show – with a little added CGI effects of course, but if you fancy experiencing the life of a Westerosi, or just visiting a really pretty place, these are the locations for you.

1. Doctor Who

We certainly owe a lot to this show in Britain; from allowing us to discover new talents like Pearl Mackie, to bettering our scientific and historical knowledge. Now, this may seem like an innocuous choice – after all you won’t be travelling to outer-space this summer – but the time travel depicted in the show makes the audience, as well as the Doctor and his companions, travel to places far and wide in both time and space. They travel to places like Victorian London or sunny Australia, places we’ve always wanted to go to but can’t because of those pesky time and money issues.

There are lots of other great tv shows out there, be it for those just bitten by the travel bug, or the ones currently looking for another stop on their never-ending road trip – but don’t get too distracted from your exams as well, a few more weeks and then the world is your oyster!



Molly Griffiths

Exeter Cornwall '18

I grew up in Paris but was born in Ireland to an Irish mother and a British father. I'm literally obsessed with movies and literature. I also love animals and discovering new things.