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Why Sisters Are Actually The Best

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Endicott chapter.

Why Sisters Are Actually The Best



1. They’re You’re Best Friend.

I don’t know about any of you guys, but when I’m coming home from college all I want to do is hangout with my sister. You can be your absolute craziest and weirdest self with your sister and they will still love and accept you no matter what. Even though you’ve probably had a thousand fist fights – nothing will ever truly come between you. I mean seriously my sister knocked my tooth out once and we’re still best friends. The good times and sharing of clothes will always continue!

2. They Are Extremely Protective of You

Don’t even get me started on how protective sister’s can be with each other; sometimes I think it could be even more than an older brother. If someone hurts my sister, I am absolutely 100% ready to throw fists. I will do anything and everything when it comes to keeping my sister happy, healthy, and safe. Nobody messes with her, without messing with me! I know if anyone does me wrong, my sister will be holding a grudge against them longer than I will. The sister love and protection is real.

3. They Will Always Be Straight Up With You

She is going to be the first to give you a little tough love. Not all of your friends will let you know when your outfit is trash or your hair is so greasy it looks like you just showered. They will not be letting you leave the house unless you’re both going to do errands together and agree to look just as gross. Yes, sometimes we decide neither of us will wash our hair that day. This goes with judgements of boyfriends and friends as well. If they don’t approve then you probably won’t be with them for very long. Sister’s know best.

4. They Team Up With You Against Your Parents.

Sisters are your partner in crime. If mom or dad is mad at one of us, we don’t let each other get yelled at alone, we try to stay and add in some comic relief. Sometimes we just sit with each other for when they leave so that we can have a vent session after or offer advice. This goes along with making fun of them as well; we love them but hey when they are being weird we will take snapchat videos and tease them.

5. They Know You Better Than ANYONE.

My sister and I know each other extremely well, all it takes is one look and I know exactly what she is thinking and feeling. They have been there forever and always will be. They have seen you at all your best and worst moments including all the break-ups and heart ache. She knows everything, especially family. She is the one person you can always confide in and not have to explain any background information to before because she just knows! She will be there to support you even when you don’t think you need the support.

8. No Matter What You Do, Your Sister Will Always Be There.

This is like the golden rule in family. There’s nothing you can’t come back from, and nothing that will separate you. Family is forever – they are going to support and love you no matter what.

Bless up for sisters!